Secrets To What Hermit Crabs Eat

PetsExotic Animals

  • Author Don Hill
  • Published September 15, 2010
  • Word count 692

Secrets To What Hermit Crabs Eat

Feeding your hermit crab to keep him healthy is one of your most important roles when it comes to hermit crab care. The good news is that this job is much easier than what you might be thinking. The only thing that you need to do is to know what you want to achieve in feeding your hermit crab.

You should not give your pet the same type of food at all times. This is obvious just like it does not make any sense to feed your child with the same food all the time. You need to feed your child different types of food so as to make sure that he or she receives all the nutrients that he or she needs. To have your hermit crab live long in captivity, you should make an effort to feed him a well-balanced diet. Otherwise, he will live with you for only a short period.

Your hermit crab's diet.

Recent research and study into the life of hermit crabs has given us a better understanding of the type of food and water that hermit crabs need. It has also made us understand why they need these foods and why certain foods ought to be avoided at all costs.

Basically, hermit crabs eat all kinds of foods. They are omnivorous and can eat both meat and plants. This is great because it will make your work of looking for the best hermit crab food a little bit easier.

When they are in the wild, they feed on things such as fallen fruits, vegetables, scavenged meat, and brightly colored vegetables among other things. You have now decided to have them in your house. In addition to giving your pet special treats, you should also supply him with commercial foods to supplement his diet. You can get this food from the pet store so that you can give your hermit crab a balanced diet.

Food from the pet store, also known as commercial food, can come in the form of pellets or canned foods. Generally, the type of food that you should give your crab most often should the one that he likes the most. When it comes to the amount, this will depend on the form that it is in. For pellets, you should give your crab just one pellet in a day. If your crab is young, then you might have to grind the pellet and then wet it a little bit. This will help present the younger hermit crabs with food in a way that they will be okay with.

Canned food should be given depending on the advice from the pet store and what is written on the food can. This is because different products have got different composition of nutrients.

When it comes to the natural foods that are likely to be available, give them to your hermit crabs in small quantities. These foods include mangos, cooked meet, brightly colored vegetables and so on. Whatever your choice is, make sure that you give your hermit crab a variety of foods.

Despite the fact that hermit crabs are not picky when it comes to what they eat, don't let yours eat just anything around. Avoid giving him refined and processed foods. Some of these foods include refined sugar, salt, spicy foods, foods containing artificial flavors, and chlorinated water. All these things will in one way or another interfere with the wellbeing of the hermit crab.


In summary, it is important that you take the feeding of hermit crabs as a serious issue. Here are the key things that you need to understand:

" Give your hermit crab a well balanced diet.

" Ensure that you give your crab variety. Don't just stick to one or two types of food.

" When feeding your hermit crab canned food, stick to the instructions that have been given by the manufacturer or the pet store owner.

" Give both natural and commercial foods in small but regular quantities.

" Avoid foods that contain artificial flavors, salt, spices, and refined sugar.

" Never give tap water to your hermit crab as it might kill him.

Don Hill is a Hermit crab enthusiast . For more information on Hermit crabs as fun pets Visit More on Healthy Hermit Crab diets

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