Sadie – Reliving the Color of a Whirlwind Relationship

Social IssuesDating

  • Author Cheri Valentine
  • Published June 5, 2011
  • Word count 751

"So the first night, he dropped me off at the posh hotel I was staying and he went home. We had such a great time, Saturday. We strolled through downtown holding hands. I just remember that we laughed all day! We met some of his friends for lunch, and that was just great. Karl’s friends were so receptive to me and made me feel so welcome.

After the event, we strolled through downtown and sat on a park bench and he kissed me so sweetly and deeply, that I got dizzy. I had never been kissed so perfectly. In between kisses, in an attempt to keep my equilibrium, and possibly to push him away, I lapsed into a dialogue of profanity, and this actually charmed him. I thought for sure the rough edged side of me would dampen the attraction, and yet, he seemed drawn even more to me. I felt so accepted.

So, my good friend, I am sure you are not surprised that when he brought me back to my room and asked to stay for a nightcap, I welcomed him in. But, Lindy, let me tell you, I was so not prepared for what happened that night.

We resumed our kissing. That led to touching. Here’s the thing, though, He touched me in ways I had not ever experienced. It was thrilling and then in a surprising moment, I released a flood of liquid fire and with it a ton of emotional baggage, and I just melted into his arms. He stayed the night.

Sunday, we went to a Chicago White Sox baseball game, my first ever official baseball game. I must admit I felt a bit sacrilegious going to a baseball field in Chicago and I had never been to Fenway Park for a game. Yet, how could I refuse the offer from someone so excited to show this experience to me. So we went to the game and thought I would be bored to tears, and really enjoyed the experience.

Afterwards, we went to dinner, and after quickly drinking a glass of wine, I blurted out, ‘What happened last night?’ It turns out; this man is well versed in sex education since he actually wrote the curriculum for a school district for elementary school. Have you ever heard of the skene gland, Lindy?"

"No, Sadie, I have not," replied Lindy a bit skeptically.

"Neither had I. It is the female equivalent of the male prostrate and when it is massaged it can produce female ejaculation and orgasm. There is some controversy as to its existence, yet I can attest that it is real!"

"Wow, Sadie, I never heard of, nor experienced it. It sounds pretty incredible."

"It is," Sadie agreed enthusiastically. But I have to admit it was unsettling the first few times it happened. Then I started to anticipate it."

"Thanks for the education, Sadie, and I am sure I will ask you more about this, but HOW did you end up in Florida?"

"Oh," said Sadie. We had so much fun that weekend, and Sunday after the game, Karl invited me to accompany him to Florida. He was starting a new business and he planned to be traveling back and forth for a couple of months. He told me that he would love for me to be with him. He was melting my heart. I cannot believe that I let him."

"Sadie, I cannot believe it either. You allowed chemistry to take over your brain and body."

"I know, Lindy. After the horrible online dating experiences I’d had, and the heartbreak of Gary turning out to be less than stellar, I guess I was off my game. It was so wonderful to be with a man who treated me so royally in so many ways. He was like the best of everyone. He was such an encouragement for me at the time and it was easy to fall. The way I saw it, I was fortunate to be able to say yes because I had free time on my hands. So I went. And it was glorious for the first month."

Sadie Jackson, a fictional heroine, is back on the dating scene for the third time. After two trial marriages, she is bound and determined to get it right. She can be nauseatingly optimistic and enjoys recounting her dating experiences with humor and compassion. Follow her dating escapades in this work of fiction that will be updated on a regular basis.

Cheri Valentine is your love connection expert. She specializes in guiding busy professional leaders and business owners to find long lasting love to enjoy as much happiness and success in their personal lives as they do in their career. She believes everyone deserves to love and be loved unconditionally. Visit for your FREE 4 step kit to Attract Your Perfect Mate.

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