Did reality create the Montreal Screwjob as a way to explain the inability to fly?

Social IssuesPhilosophy

  • Author Thomas H Cullen
  • Published April 16, 2018
  • Word count 586

Did reality create the Montreal Screwjob as a way to explain the inability to fly?

Humans don’t have the ability to fly. Machines let humans fly, but in the grand scheme of things this isn’t a compensation for the lack of the actual ability to fly.

It isn’t an unfair concept, that reality can be offended by something. Indeed, that reality can be its own arbiter of judgement seems like a very fair idea, and that’s where this new line of inquisition comes in: is it possible, that the infamous Montreal Screwjob from 1997 was in fact a device used by reality as a way to understand reality’s own weaknesses – its inability to let humans fly?

For those who aren’t informed, about WWE history, the Montreal Screwjob was an incident that took place at the 1997 edition of the WWE annual pay-per-view Survivor Series. The exact nature of the incident that’s in question pertains to the main event of the pay-per-view, which had featured the individuals Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels.

In terms of where one goes from here, the logical thing to do would be to categorize the different parts of the question. For example, reality is referenced as a creator, therefore it’s reality and neither the Montreal Screwjob or the inability to fly that is the origin. So whatever the Montreal Screwjob and the inability to fly are, it’s currently a given that neither of them can be understood as being original forces.

Between the Montreal Screwjob and the inability to fly, it’s the latter force which is the presumed original: so overall, reality is first, the inability to fly is second, and then the Montreal Screwjob is third.

The original is real. After the real then comes the weakness, and then after the weakness comes an actual incident; the actual incident in question is a part of a sequence (it’s a known fact that reality has continued after the Montreal Screwjob), which means that neither the original force or the inability to fly are part of a sequence. In effect, the original force and the inability to fly are timeless – an original timelessness and a replicated timelessness.

An original timelessness is a time which is real. The replicated timelessness is a time which isn’t real – a real time and a magical time. The real time is the same as a timelessness of magic, which further means that the inability to fly can be a time of magic – thus, the original force is a magic which is limitless, and the second force is a magic which is limited.

Reality has gone from a true magic to a lesser version of the same magic.

The Montreal Screwjob, as a force which isn’t the original force and therefore not real, is also a kind of magic. What’s more, it’s also not an inability since the inability to fly is the inability – the Montreal Screwjob is therefore a kind of magic that acts as a reflection of the original magic.

In essence, the Montreal Screwjob was created by the original magic of reality so that the original magic of reality could have a reflection that it can be proud of: the original and pure magic created the infamous Montreal Screwjob so that the inability to fly can be ignored by reality (as opposed to being explained)

The ultimate lesson, of the Montreal Screwjob – magic is real, and it has the right to experience weakness

Live in the UK. Apart from letting press conferences become scientists, my ultimate aim in life is to create an identity which can't be replicated in any way whatsoever

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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