How To Get What You Want

Self-ImprovementGoal Setting

  • Author Roy Harris
  • Published November 21, 2007
  • Word count 1,153

To begin you need to know what you want. You will set a goal. It's important to remember how you phrase your goal. Don't say, "I want" instead say "I have". For example. "I will achieve my dreams" would become "I have achieved my dreams" If you say "I want" they that separates you from your goal. But, by phrasing it "I have" it means that you already have what you want. As long as you continue to say "I want", it is reinforcing your mind to think that you don't have it.

Know why you want it. This is also referred to as finding your "why". Maybe, you may want to make more money, so you can stay at home with the kids. Maybe, you might want to make more income, so you can save money for retirement. Maybe, you may want to leave your current job, and work for yourself. Be in control of your success, destiny, and your life. The "why" continuously drives you to your goal. It helps you to take the steps necessary to achieve that goal. If, your like me, you might want to stop spending so much time in front of the television. Then, you can take that time and spend it on your business.

Decide how long it will take to achieve that goal. In order to determine that, you will need to know what steps that you would need to take. For example, when I stop spending so much time in front of the tv, I will have more time to spend on my goal. Also, once you set a timeframe, alot of the time you will achieve the goal sooner than that deadline. Some people feel like they don't want to set a timeframe, because what happens if they don't achieve the goal on time. Then they will feel like they failed, and say "Thats it", what am I going to do now.

Write your goal down. I used to say, "What good is that going to do?" "I know what my goal is, I don't need to write it down. I'm not sure why this works, but it does. I'm not an expert at everything. Just try writing it down, and you will see how much difference it makes. It won't hurt to try.

Spend some time out of your busy schedule where you can take time to think. That can be done anywhere where you can concentrate. Some negative thoughts may try to creep in, but just ignore them.And, replace them with positive ones. The purpose here is to see yourself having your goal, and what it feels like. For ex: If you wanted to get out of debt, really see what it would feel like if that was the case. To be able to know that you have the money to pay your bills, instead of pulling your hair out to find a way to come up with the money.

Focus your attention on already achieving your goal. The subconscious mind will take in whatever we keep saying consciously. It will do what ever you tell it to do. I know you are skeptical, but consider this.If you wanted to get a new job. You have located the job in the paper, and sent in your resume. Now, you are waiting to hear from the employer, so you can set up an interview. During that time, you may have the following thoughts. They threw my resume in the trash. They will hire somebody that they know. They might find somebody who has more experience than I do. Nothing ever works out for me. You get the idea. You have to counteract those thoughts with positive thoughts.

Finally, let it go. Don't continue to worry about that goal that you wanted to achieve. The more that you continue to think about not achieving the goal, your subconscious mind will take in the fact that you still have not achieved the goal. You have taken all the necessary steps above, and you will achieve your goal.

Here are some more important points to discuss. Stop resisting what is (your current situation). What this means is to stop worrying about your current situation. The more you worry about it, the more you continue to reinforce the fact that you are in debt, lonely, not loved, etc. If you can stop worrying about that, you will be able to free yourself from your current state.

Also, you can see reaching your goal as an opportunity to let go. You may feel like you have wasted alot of time. I wish I had realized this a long time ago. Instead, realize that its great that you have found it our now. And, the changes that you can make in your life, now that you know how to make those changes. Also, you have learned from your mistake or failure. As long as you do learn, it was worth what ever you had to go through.

Another, very important thing to mention is (To see the good in everything). This is probably self-explanatory since you have probably heard zillions of times to "Think Positive." Let's say that you dread putting gas in your car, because of the cost of gasoline. Instead, be glad you have a vehicle to put gas in. Let's say that you are so disappointed in your business. It's not making alot of progress. A good way to look at that is, that feeling that you have can be used to motivate you to succeed.

There is always a way. Try to think about the problem, and see if you can't come up with a solution. Think positive during this process, because the negative thoughts will get you off track. You will not be able to come up with a good solution. Think about the things that you have overcome in the past, and tell yourself that you figure something out this time. When other people are telling you "You can't, It's never been done, That's not possible". Don't listen to them. Realize that there is always a way.

This leads us to another thing to consider. You need to think "No Matter What-I Choose To Believe". That feeling ties into "There Is Always A Way". Because, no matter what happens, you choose to believe. I know a lady that had set her goal. Afterwards, she got a cancerous growth on her thyroid. This caused her to be very depressed, and her emotions were out of whack; because the thyroid has an effect on alot of things in our body. So here are these obstacles, but she chose to believe she could reach her goal, no matter what. What happened? She achieved her goal despite the obstacles. Here's a quote:

"Obstacles are those terrible things we see, when we take our eyes off our goals. Henry Ford

Hope this helps,

Roy Harris

My journey began when I was layed off after working for a company for ten years. I was attracted to internet marketing as a way to start making money. Also, for something to do why I was waiting for responses from resumes I had sent in and interviews that I had. If you would like to know more about the company that has helped a total newbie achieve success. Just visit

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