Personal Development Way To Eliminate Procrastination


  • Author Michael Mcgrath
  • Published December 15, 2007
  • Word count 831

Are you a serial procrastinator? Do you suffer from a lack of motivation? Are there a hundred and one things, that if done by you, you know would change your life but can't seem to get motivated to start them? There is a Personal Development method can offer you a way out!

You are about to learn a fool-proof way to become motivated to complete any task you start. If you follow the advice in this article you will eliminate procrastination from your life for good. You will become a person that people can rely on to finish what they start!

The first step to eliminating procrastination is to identify the things that need to be done. This should be approached on a daily basis. Start by making a simple list that outlines all the key actions you should take for the coming day in order to get the results you want.

Now go down your list and number them in order of importance. Beside the most important activities place the number 1 and beside the lesser important activities place the number 2, and depending on how large your list is you may want to include a number 3 category. That is, number 1 being the most important and number 2 being the second most important. Have at least two activities that fall into your number 1 category and at least two that fall into number 2 and number 3 categories.

Try to be realistic. Don't make the same mistake I made when I first started using this method. When I began I would list up to twenty tasks in any one day. This was far too much. I had been a procrastinator all my life and to expect myself to complete a list of 20 to-do items was asking the impossible. I soon realised that if I started with a list of 4 or 6 things to do, I would complete all of them. Eventually I upgraded to an A4 size blank diary and almost everyday the pages are filled and tasks completed.

As best you can try varying the tasks and ensuring they are concerned with different areas of your life. This way you will stop yourself from becoming bored with monotonous tasks and you will also keep your motivation high as you see yourself moving forward in different areas.

On your list rearrange the items so that your number 1 priority activities are at the start, the next is your number 2 and so on. Leave a space next to the item and underneath it leave a few lines.

Once you have your list in numbered sequence write beside each one the best time of day for starting the activity. In this way you can stay focused on the jobs that you have decided are important. You also have a set time by which you must begin a task so that you do not put it off until the end of the day - when it probably won't get done!

Now ensure that you take each of your priority 1 items in turn and tick them off after you do it at the time you specified. In the space beneath, write down a quick description of your feelings. How does it feel now that you have completed the tasks you assigned for yourself. Then reward yourself with a small treat. Anything that you feel is a small treat will do, whether it's just a cup of coffee, bit of chocolate or a piece of cake.

When you get to your number 2 activities and complete them follow the same procedure as above. When you have finished the task ensure you place a tick beside it on your list and write down in the space below the feelings you have now you have completed it. Ensure you give yourself a special treat after you complete this category. Chose a treat that you would not have under normal circumstances. Pick a treat that you only have occasionally at special events or the like. You have really broken through your procrastination and have made real strides in your development of your personal motivation. Keep in mind that it is usually the anticipation of the activity that causes you discomfort and not the activity itself. I find that once I start an activity it becomes relatively easy to finish it.

Also ensure you give yourself a break. Depending on the tasks you have set yourself give yourself a good break. Even if the tasks are not at all demanding it is always advisable to set, at least, a few minutes aside to rest and look over what you have achieved. A good time to do this is when you are rewarding yourself.

The plan/do/reward approach to eliminating procrastination works! Use it and you will soon be filling out and completing lists that right now would seem impossible for you to stick to and more importantly you will see the results of your action sin your life. The development of your personal motivation will be certain! - Free reviews of the best Personal Development products we tested. Find out what really works! - Self Improvement products tested and then reviewed for free. We find out what works so you don't have to!

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