Choosing Patterns: Your Own and Store Bought

Sports & RecreationsHobbies

  • Author Jason Borchardt
  • Published April 13, 2007
  • Word count 1,081

Your Own Patterns

For the beginner it is important to start with simple and quick projects that build upon basic sewing skills. For our simple patterns, we actually used items that we found around the house that we could copy (pillows, purses, bags, skirts...). The criteria was that they had straight lines. We started with our own patterns - which reduced the concern for not being able to understand store bought patterns. More importantly, we were learning, unknowingly, how to visualize the construction process.

For her first project, my 6 yr. old wanted to make a teddy bear (against the rule; it had all curved lines). We looked at it closely. We traced the outline and cut it out. We looked again - she noticed that we couldn't just sew it together because her teddy bear didn't have fabric hanging out on the edges. She learned the first lesson in construction - you place your fabric with right sides together so that the seam is on the inside. Second lesson - she asked how to make it fluffy. She learned she would have to leave a hole somewhere so she could stuff it. Third lesson - after her teddy bear was completed we noticed how skinny it was as compared to the original. We learned to cut things out bigger to allow for seams and stuffing. Fourth lesson, we couldn't fit the bear back under the machine to sew up the hole; she learned how to do a slipstitch.

This seems so basic, but what we didn't realize was how it was sharpening our ability to visualize the steps to constructing a finished product, which later made reading patterns so much easier.

Three Steps

  1. Look at what you want to make - examine all of the lines (seams).

  2. Copy the pattern on paper and cut out the pieces of material (Step by step directions after next article)

  3. Spend time asking how do I make these pieces come together to look like the finished product.

Steps 1 & 3 are great habits to get into. Notice I said habit. Make this process become second nature, not a rigid step that must be followed but a conversation that you initiate with your children when your looking at items that seem simple to make. What is being internalized, through these 3 steps, is invaluable.

Ask - How do you think I/you should pin this next piece together? If we pin it like this, will it look right? How does this connect to the other pieces? This is encouraging them to picture it in their mind.

There are definitely some people who have an extremely difficult time doing this. If you notice an inability to process the construction - show them yourself. For instance, with a pretty purse you see in the store say, "wow, look at how this is just 2 squares sewn together; or with the pieces already cut out from a pattern you can say, "if I sew this this way it will end up looking like this, but if I sew it this way it will look like that".

With those kids who want to create their own things, let them go, don't worry about them processing this with you. Unbeknownst to them, they start doing this on their own. First they figure out that all of their seams are on the outside. As they keep sewing they become aware of the differences in their things, and they start either correcting it on their own, or they will ask why. Again, the same skills are being developed internally - to visualize the end product.

This process not only provided a huge head start on constructing patterns, as well as removing the intimidation of reading patterns, it also changed our view. We started looking at things differently - when we saw something we liked in our house, in magazines, at stores, or at our friends' we would always say, "I bet we can make that". We studied it, drew a picture, started a file of projects we wanted to try, and would make our own patterns.

The girls started making clothes for their dolls this way. They would use scrap pieces of material, make their own patterns, and sew shirts, skirts, dresses, and pants. By the time we moved to store bought patterns we were amazed at how much we understood just by looking at the pictures. So instead of spending time learning the terms and their definitions we placed a word with our actions that were already developed.

Even if you are wanting to start with clothes, I highly recommend you taking the time to make some of your own patterns because of the skills it naturally builds and the barriers it breaks down. There are many clothes that can be made with your own patterns.

*Added Bonus - this process also builds confidence in and encourages you and your child's ability to create your own unique patterns, as well as, add your own special flare to existing patterns. My 11 yr. old, having both experiences, spends more time making her own patterns. She sees something, and automatically figures out how to make it herself, with her own twist.

Store Bought Patterns

For those of you who have kids who want to start with store bought patterns for clothes, I suggest finding patterns with:

  1. Simple lines (pull over shirts and dresses are usually the easiest)

  2. No zippers - build up to this skill. (If your sewing machine has a buttonhole setting DO NOT be intimidated by buttons! They are easy).

  3. Look for patterns that say Easy Sew or Quick Sew

Again, for the beginner it is important to start with simple projects that teach the basic sewing skills, and then continue to build upon these skills.

If you yourself want to start with clothing, unless you have a body that perfectly fits the measurements on the back of the pattern, I recommend you starting with children's clothes. Altering patterns, although it will be easy enough, should be saved for a little later. I made a lot of dresses for my girls when I was first learning, which gave me the confidence to make alterations for my own patterns.

Regardless of what you choose, the same thought process should take place. Just because you have directions in the bag, you still need to learn to process through the construction in your own mind. Ask your kids the same questions even though the steps are lined out for you.

What Kristi wants to do, is share her journey in sewing; to help others know that the best way to learn is by doing. To learn MORE from the “9 Secrets to Successfully Teach Your Child to Sew”, go to

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