Global Link Popularity of Websites

Computers & TechnologyRSS / Link Popularity

  • Author Tyson Carlin
  • Published May 7, 2010
  • Word count 367

Link building; though not as important as it was in the past, still continues to be one of the universally accepted methods of search engine optimization. Global link popularity of the websites has bearing on its ranking on the search engine result pages.

Several factors relating to the site and domain on which the concerned page resides influence the rankings of the page on Google search results. Webmasters trying for search engine optimization should be careful about these particular aspects.

Global link popularity of any site will primarily depend on the quality of the linking items rather than the quality. Such popularity however has great bearing on the results that are generated on the search engines. One of the most important factors is the age of the site. This refers to the time from the launch of the content that is to be indexed and seen by the search engines to be taken into consideration. Older sides often have advantage over the newer ones in ranking.

Links can aid in the ranking of the sites. That is why the age of links are more important than the age of the site and relevance of Global link popularity is important as well. New sites having connection with the older one as the parent site has better chances of ranking well. One has to realize the subject specific relationships that exist in link building campaign between the sites and pages linking to the relevant pages as well as the target keywords.

Having links to the relevant sites is extremely important. When the inbound link belongs to some tropically relevant site, it could help improvement of ranking in big way. At the same time it could be highly beneficial for traffic generation as well.

Link weight and authority of website that is targeted among the topical peers in online world is one of the most valuable resources for getting higher ranks. At times SEM and the blogs can generate similar effects too. If the concerned topical community contains links from trusted sites it could generate higher traffic for your site as well fulfilling the objective of search engine optimization.

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