Gain An Extra Month Each Year!

Self-ImprovementGoal Setting

  • Author John Perry
  • Published May 10, 2006
  • Word count 809

If you had 13 months to accomplish your business projects would that be helpful? Just think about it…30 extra days to meet all those deadlines, complete unfinished plans etc. Maybe you could use that time as extra vacation time?

Here’s how it is done.

I have 2 times during any given day when I hit an energy slump. This is usually around10:30/ 11:00 a.m. and again around 2:30 or 3:00pm. Since I work out of my home I began to think of ways to avoid this energy lull.

My first course of action was to workout during these times. I would do my lifting routine in the am and then a cardio routine in the pm. The problem was the energy drops for me were about 1 hour to an hour and a half. My workouts were 45-50 minutes max and honestly I did not do lifting and/or cardio everyday.

I began listening to marketing or self-improvement gurus during that same time and would drag out my session over the course of an hour and a half.

However, I realized that after about the first 5-10 minutes of any workout my energy level had improved dramatically! I was alert and stimulated in a very short time. My creativity and skyrocketed as lots of ideas would come pouring out as soon as I started the routine. I did not need to extend my workout.

Part of this I think was the audio stimulating my brain. So I tried it without the audio. Guess what. I still had great ideas and my energy was racing. I still prefer to listen to the tapes, but I don’t need them for the brain stimulation. This led me to believe that the exercise was doing it.

I then developed a routine that lasted about 15 – 20 minutes. This was in an effort to take a 15-20 minute “brain break” and re-charge my body without taking an hour and a half out of my work day.

Because I chose full-body routines that used my butt to stimulate my brain (using groups of muscles or synergies), I found I could get the results I needed in just 7-10 minutes. I cut the routine in half (now I had two different routines).

Instead of losing 3 hours a day to inefficient, non-productive work or to long workouts, I actually gained time because I found a way to make that time more productive.

By stimulating my energy level my productivity soared. I was able to keep rolling through my day without skipping a beat. It was like recharging the battery on my cell phone. So I don’t miss any calls. The feeling was incredible!

I sat down one day to analyze what this Eureka moment had done for me and my business. When sitting down to analyze it, I was gaining 3 hours of productive work each day or 15 hours per week or 780 hours per year. Divided up over the entire year it was (and still is) giving me an additional 32 and a half days per year!

Sometimes I do a 7-minute dumbbell routine, other times I will go for a 15-20 minute run or recently I have developed a 5-7 minute dynamic stretching routine that does the trick to keep me rolling.

You see, it does not take a lot of time to actually gain time for my business. The excuse of “I do not have time to exercise due to work” is not only bogus; you cannot afford not to exercise!

An extra month of time!...Are you kidding me??? Make your time productive by choosing to stimulate your brain with exercise.

I have colleagues that purposefully shorten their day to force them to be productive in a shorter amount of time. They use this extra time to exercise, spend time with the family, meditate or go on dates with their significant other.

They are actually “gaining” time by “eliminating” time!

You want a bonus way of getting even more time into your day?

Here it is. Get up an hour early…every day. At least every work day.

If you start work at 8:00 and are use to getting up at 6:30, get up at 5:00 or 5:30. Make that extra hour to hour and a half productive and a revenue generating activity.

One extra hour per day would equal 5 hours per week or 260 hours per year and would give you almost 11 extra days per year!

If you would do this and the workout secret you would gain 40 plus days over the course of a year.

Therefore all you busy entrepreneurs out there; if you position yourself for success… I guess time really is on your side…

There is nothing of which we are apt to be so lavish as of time, and about which we ought to be more solicitous; since without it we can do nothing in this world. -William Penn

Would you like to know how to fit exercise into your already busy schedule? How would you like to learn a time-efficient routine that can be done anywhere? Go to to find out how.

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