Can I Still Save This Marriage?


  • Author Sally Brooks
  • Published September 13, 2010
  • Word count 570

Yes, in theory, a marriage that seems to be on the road to extinction can still be salvaged. But it does not take just one person's desire to make a marriage work. The very nature of marriage is a union between two souls. It follows then that for a broken relationship to be pieced back together, both partners should be committed to making the changes necessary to bring the relationship back on track.

There are times, however, when trying to save a relationship is not the best way to go. For example, if you had been the victim of abuse, stop making excuses for your mate and accept the reality that you can not change him or her. If your husband has been unfaithful for many times, perhaps you should reexamine if this is really what you want from a relationship. Do you see yourself many years from now, still waiting for your husband to come to his senses and suddenly become the loyal and faithful man you dreamed him to be?

However, if you honestly see that this relationship is worth fighting for, then consider these suggestions on how you can regain the love and trust in your marriage:

  1. Communicate.

The most common reason for marriage failures is the lack of communication between the partners. Too often, as the couple matures and develops their own interests, they may find themselves drifting apart. One partner often feels neglected and even abandoned at times. It is important to reestablish good communication with your spouse, and you can do this by spending more time together, away from work and the kids and the other pressures of daily life. Find the time to be alone with your spouse and talk heart to heart, maybe until the wee hours of the morning, just like you used to when the relationship was just new.

  1. Revive intimacy.

Too often, because of a busy schedule, or because of too many disagreements, a couple's sexual life turns bland and uneventful. When lovemaking becomes perfunctory, then there is definitely something wrong in the relationship. It is never too late to revive sexual desire in a marriage. You can do this by planning intimate moments, and setting the mood and the environment for them. Remember the days when you both couldn't take your hands off each other and bring back the romance in your nights together.

  1. Be considerate.

Try to put yourself in your spouse's position to understand the way he thinks and feels. Be considerate of his needs and be there for him. A little bit of kindness everyday goes a long way. Too often, couples end up hurting each other through unkind words and criticisms. There is no room for verbal abuse in a marriage. If both partners are considerate of one another, then there will be less marriages in trouble.

These are just some of the things you can do to revive your marriage. If after all your attempts to work on it, you still seem to be going nowhere, consider going to a marriage therapist who may be able to help you and your partner sort things out.

If you finally see that your marriage no longer has any hope of revival, then you would have to face the fact that letting go is a better option than staying in a relationship that will only cause you to be unhappy for the rest of your life.

S. Brooks is a specialized researcher focusing on providing valuable information & solutions for every day issues.

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