Divorce Referendum from MaltaLive.tv


  • Author Karl Bendure
  • Published November 14, 2011
  • Word count 616

There are so many sides to the debate, especially as Malta is a staunch Catholic country, and abides by the Law of the Vatican (which has the youngest age of sexual consent,12 years of age, in the whole of Europe, I thought that you have to be married before having sexual intercourse?!) in my opinion Religion and the Church should be left on the side lines!

Just as I was going to upload this short article, I read about a Maltese lady, who was banned for a day from her local church! (I’m not talking about Deborah Schembri who has also been banned for the same sin! By the way, I’m not calling it a sin; that was the "caretaker" of the said church!) who said to her local priest (where she has attended religiously (excuse the pun) for the past 30 years or so) that she would vote "yes" for the right to divorce, the priest then banned her from "his" church!What is the world/Malta coming to?! Alas the next day, due to a public outrage, he apologized or should I say "for-give her for her sin!"(I’m not sure if she had to go into the confession "box!") And said that she can attend the church…….as long as she does not utter the word "yes" again….. Sorry I made that bit up, as I find it all very strange, yet amusing-ish. If I had enough money, I would build the lady a private prayer chapel! (or maybe one big enough so that all those that will be voting yes can fit in it! "Banned" from Church, now that’s an unusual one, I’ve heard of people getting banned for fighting in bars etc. Isn’t the Church supposed to have an "open door" and mind for that matter, at all times? Now the Nationalist Party newspaper has "turned down" paid pro-divorce adverts……. Not to worry too much about that as my website will accept all adverts on such subjects to be up loaded for FREE! As I am a great believer in freedom of speech as well as printed words!Now I’ve just read that Malta is 14th in the EU for press freedom…… now I am really confused!

The vote ended with 52% of the Maltese population deciding that it was time to accept the wish to end a marriage legally in order to be able to marry again.

Now this is the confusing part; this was a Democratic vote, whereby the Maltese population had the right to vote, which they did and the outcome was as stated above "Iva to divorce" but now it is time for the Politicians to vote, what is Democratic about that? The people vote for divorce, that is Democratic? Then the "Yes Box" was "escorted" back to parliament allegedly by the clergy and leading politicians to decide on their vote, all I can say to that is that that is UN-Democratic! Simple!That’s like a mother saying to a child "it is your choice if you wish to have that ice cream darling" but just as the child has decided "Iva" to take the ice cream and her tongue is protruding from her mouth in anticipation of licking the ice cream, the mother says, "we will have to wait for your father to come back from work before I can say "Iva" to the choice I gave you." The little girl starts crying knowing that the ice cream will melt before her father comes home! That is a different way to look at such an important decision, I know, but not far from what happened! That’s my opinion anyway

http://maltalive.tv online malta website. Great articles from a great writer

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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