Is Affordable Marriage Counseling a Reality?


  • Author Bellaisa Filippis
  • Published February 19, 2012
  • Word count 521

Did you know that there are places to get marriage therapy that are more affordable than seeing a traditional therapist? Sometimes there are therapy programs offered by your local colleges or universities that can be beneficial when money is an issue.

Licensed marriage therapy can cost anywhere from $80-$150 per hour. That's a lot of money to be spending if you are going to see a therapist once or twice a week. When it's hard to pay the bills, therapy will be impossible. Therapy from colleges and university however can be much less expensive making them a more desirable option for some couples.

What's The Difference Between A Licensed Marriage Counselor and a Student?

Obviously, the student is not a licensed therapist yet, but they are in the process of getting a degree in a profession similar or the same. This includes psychology, social work, marriage counseling, and more. They need hands-on experience to get their degree, and this is why you can find help at low-cost from them.

The students are supervised by a licensed professional, which may be comforting to you. This means that they are getting the opinions and help from a professional that you would have to pay much more for! This means that you are getting the quality in the therapy that you desire and deserve.

Essentially - same opinions and help, less money.

How Can You Seek Marriage Counseling From These Lower Cost Sources?

You may need to be in a certain income bracket in order to receive the marriage counseling from one of these programs. There may be other stipulations such as health insurance. It really depends on the program and you need to check it out in order to get a definite answer as to whether or not you can receive the marriage counseling.

Not all of these programs require a payment, but most do. The reason is that when money is exchanged for a service most people take it much more seriously and become much more committed. Many people will take advantage of free services by not showing up or wasting the therapist's time in some other way.

Sometimes the marriage counseling programs are off campus, but many times the services are offered on the campus itself. Either way, confidentiality is of upmost importance, and you can rest assured that no one will know what you are there for.

If you deny yourself the help from a student because you think that a licensed therapist would be better for you, than you may be missing out on some very beneficial therapy. Students are just as committed as licensed therapists. They are constantly learning and up to date on new information, ideas, and services which makes them very beneficial to you. They want to be successful and they are ready to listen and to help.

So, if you are seeking marriage counseling and you think that you can't afford a licensed therapist then go ahead and look around at your closest college or university. You may find the help that you were looking for little-to-no cost, and you may just save your marriage.

A successful marriage takes work, it doesn't always come easily and effortlessly.

Bellaisa if the owner of the Relationship Circe, a website with relationship advice for women and men on dating, intimacy, and relationship problems.

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