Five Reasons Why Today is the Greatest Time to be an Author

Reference & EducationWriting & Speaking

  • Author Patrick Esposito
  • Published November 5, 2015
  • Word count 502

There have been many great books written, especially in the last 100 years. When men first started writing books, they had to use a chisel and a stone. Eventually the typewriter was invented in 1868 by Christopher Latham Sholes, Carlos Glidden and Samuel W. Soule. That ushered in a new string of authors that most of us have forgotten about. Today there are more authors than ever, and each day more people become first time authors. There are no longer any excuses to not write a book. There are more reasons than ever, here are five.

With today’s technology, almost anyone can be an author. For those who have dreamed of one day writing that great novel, biography, or self-help book, there are no more excuses to say no. There are many reasons to start writing that book. Here are five of them.

  1. We have a keyboard and a computer. Today it is easier than ever to write a letter or a book. Using a computer is now a part of life, but many great books were started using a typewriter, or even just a pad and pen. You can type, correct, save, and do many things that make writing almost a pleasure.

  2. Because of the computer, there are more outlets to sell books. Sadly, bookstores are becoming a thing of the past. Sites such as Amazon and make it easier than ever to find wonderful books from the comfort of your home. Online bookstores are a wonderful thing. You can even look at the reviews and decide if this is a book you would like to read.

  3. Ebooks, kindle, and the like are very popular. Many still enjoy the look, feel, and smell of a real book, but an increasing number of people love to carry any type of ebook reader. You can carry many books at once, and for some people, it enhances the reading experience. This is a fad that is here to stay. I guess that means we can’t call it a fad any more

  4. There is more of a worldwide market than ever before. Within minutes, someone in India can sit in front of their computer and come across your book and order it if they wish to. Today when you write a book, it can literally be read all across the world. You can also have it translated into other languages. There is the potential to become as big as you would like.

  5. You can be a self-published author. Sure, it is great when you have an agent who agrees to represent you. They will shop your book around to the big publishing houses, and direct your marketing efforts. That is the dream, and some authors become rich and famous. Unfortunately, many authors do not secure an agent, and back in the day, self-publishing a book could cost thousands of dollars. Today is the greatest time to be an author, and it is the best time for you to get started on your book.

Pat Esposito is an entrepreneur, an author, and a runner. He wrote Peter the Speed Reader. Learn how Peter became a speed reader, and how you can too. He is also the founder of

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