How to be Heroically Happy


  • Author Damian Miles
  • Published April 23, 2008
  • Word count 552

"Heroic Happiness is the ability to be 100% happy all of the time."

If you could go down the shops right now and buy heroic happiness, would you by it? If you would how much would you expect to pay? I bet you would. I also bet you would be expect to pay a huge sum for it as well.

Surely such heroic happiness is not possible?


"Great Happiness is being almost 100% happy, almost all of the time."

Does that sound more realistic? Would you buy that as well? Would you pay a lot for it? I bet you would.

Imagine coming back from the shops and showing your shiny new happiness, to your family and friends. Wouldn't they envy you?

Imagine taking your new happiness for a test drive. You get that horrible customer on the phone again? It doesn't matter. With your new happiness, you can handle it, and also be happy while handling it. You get stuck in traffic? Easy. You can take that in your happy stride. Your partner has had a bad day and shouts at you? Never mind I can smile while sympathetically letting her unwind.

With your Great Happiness you know that whatever happens in life you will happily handle it. You have bought yourself paradise.

It sounds great doesn't it?

Just how much would you pay for this paradise, if you knew that for the rest of your life you could happily deal with everything that life sends your way, good or bad? Imagine knowing that every day for the rest of your life you could happily handle anything and everything? Imagine that you never again let fear stop you from doing what you need to do? What a wonderful world you will have.

Bad News: The bad news is you can't go down the shops and buy Heroic or Great Happiness. You can't even purchase it on the internet. But you can get it.

How can I get it? Where can I get it? How much does it cost? When will it be available for me?

When? It is available now. Where? You will find Heroic and Great Happiness right here. How much? It is free! How can you get it? I share that in my next paragraph.

To obtain Heroic or Great Happiness. Is both very easy and also hard, it is instant and a lifetime away.

Easy. You simply decide that you want this happiness. Your decision is easy, you just decide. The stronger your decision the better. Best of all is an unbreakable commitment to have this happiness come what may. Hard. After your decision you must follow through by sticking to it no matter what. You will not be pushed aside from your commitment to have this happiness. It is one of the most important values in your life. This takes effort, practice and perseverance. Instant. Your decision to have this happiness is instant, and will remain instant every time you make this decision to be happy, every day, hour minute. Lifetime. Achieving Heroic Happiness takes a lifetime of practice, and work. The longer you practice it the greater your happiness is for longer. Eventually you will move from being occasionally happy, to having Great Happiness, then having that prized goal of Heroic Happiness.

Now isn't that worth having?

Damian Miles is a life coach, NLP Practitioner and the author of Live Your Dream Life Today. Do you want to live the life of your dreams and start doing so TODAY? If so Damian could be the man to help you. To find out more visit Damian's website at

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