7 Steps You Must Take on Your Journey to Happiness


  • Author Jan Malloch
  • Published February 26, 2009
  • Word count 450

There are so many things that you can do to get onto the road that leads to happiness.   Here are my top "Positive Psychology" tips.  These will certainly help you to feel much more positive and help you to gain that much loved emotion of really feeling good!

1)      Write a letter of thanks to someone.   You may want to express your gratitude for a particular act of kindness.  You might want to thank them for being a wonderful friend, mother, son, daughter, father, or whatever relation they are to you.  Make it as sentimental as you wish.   The most important thing is that you must be very genuine and sincere in what you write in the letter.

2)      To get the most out of this experience, do not mail the letter to the person.  Phone them up to arrange a visit and hand the letter over in person.  Have them read it while you are with them.

3)      If you want to ensure that you and the recipient get the maximum benefit, visit the person and read the letter out loud to them.  This makes it so much more personal, and it will leave a much more lasting impression on both of you.

4)      Each evening for at least a week, write down 3 things that went well that day.   Do not simply mull over in your mind what went well, you must make a conscious effort to write these down.  This will ensure that these events are imprinted on your mind, and that you have a record of these.

5)      As another exercise, write about a particular event or a time in your life when things went really well for you.   Perhaps when you were promoted, or when you were doing a job that you loved and were really good at.  Make a point each day to reread this to ensure that you are continually reminded of that good time.

6)      Write down your top 5 strengths.   If you are not sure what these are, do a VIA Classification of Strengths test.   This is free – just enter this title into a search engine to access and take the assessment.

7)      Once you know your top strengths, make sure that you use these regularly!   Think of different ways in which you can utilise them.  For instance, if your top strength is a love of learning, make a point of learning brand-new things every week. 

Positive Psychology researchers have shown that these exercises increase your well-being and positive attitude levels significantly.  

They are not difficult to do, and the rewards of being happier and more positive will make such a difference in your life and in the lives of others you associate with.  So what are you waiting for?

Jan calls herself a "Positive Thinker & Achiever". Through her writing, her workshops and speaking engagements, she encourages others to live more positively, with the ultimate goal of achieving "Positive Happiness". She is currently developing a number of CDs and DVDs to motivate and encourage people to make positive and worthwhile changes in their lives. Visit Jan's web site at http://www.powerpositivenow.com

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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