How To Heal A Broken Heart Subsequent to A Painful Separation
- Author Nikki Frost
- Published November 5, 2009
- Word count 449
Sadly there is no quick solution for how to heal a broken heart; instead the grief experienced from a broken heart has to be dealt with by allowing time and taking some steps to aid in the fastest healing achievable. Healing a broken heart is not simple, but rest assured it is doable.
First, you must give yourself plenty of alone time in which you do not have contact with or see your ex. As hard or childish as this may seem, it is the best way how to heal a broken heart.
Seeing your ex will bring out the emotions and feelings you are trying to let go of and will put you at risk of saying or doing something in the heat of the moment that you might regret later. For your own benefit, avoid your ex partner like the plague to allow yourself time to learn how to heal a broken heart.
It is vital to stay away from your ex as well, as you find out how to heal a broken heart. Never attempt to phone, email or write letters using friends as messengers. The best way for healing to begin is to have time apart from your ex. Contacting the ex will prolong the pain..
Crying is an excellent means of releasing all the feelings and emotions within, so grab a pillow, some tissues and go for your life. Remember, it is perfectly ok to cry, it does not mean you are weak, rather, it is a means of letting go and cleansing yourself of unwanted feelings.
Another way of how to heal a broken heart is to discuss your feelings with your friends. Even if they get sick of hearing about the break up, it is a good way of understanding your situation and coming to terms with what has happened.
Over time, keeping yourself distracted will prevent you from thinking about your ex and focusing on the loss. Instead of staying at home, get out and socialize with friends and have fun. Starting to enjoy your life again will help in how to heal a broken heart and move on.
The same goes for anything that reminds you of the relationship. For your own good you need to put these away in a box or cupboard, where they will be out of sight. Only once you can think back on the relationship without missing it, are you ready to see these mementos again.
The trick to how to heal a broken heart is to get your ex off your mind. And to do that, just follow the advice in the article and you will soon know how to heal a broken heart.
Are you struggling to get over your ex? Sign-up for our FREE "Healing A Broken Heart" E-course and learn to enjoy life again. Do you want your ex back in your life? Learn more about the Magic Of Making Up here - expert advice that will give you the best chance of winning back your ex's love.
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