Men's Issues

Male Fertility:How to Naturally Increase Semen Volume And Orgasm Intensity
By Dickson Okorafor · 1 year ago
Semen volume, quality, and orgasm in men encompasses a fascinating aspect of human sexuality. It is an area that has captured the curiosity and attention of both researchers and individuals seeking a deeper understanding of ...
Revive Your Intimacy: Discover 4 Natural Solutions for Men's Sexual Issues
By Dickson Okorafor · 1 year ago
Sexual problems can significantly impact the overall well-being and quality of life for men. From erectile dysfunction and low libido to unsatisfactory orgasms and diminished sexual satisfaction, these issues can cause distress and strain relationships. ...
Healthy Aging in Men : How to Look and Feel Younger as You Grow Older
By Dickson Okorafor · 1 year ago
As men age, they experience various physical and cognitive changes, such as accumulation of body fat, sagging skin, grey hair, wrinkles, decrease in energy, tiredness, fatigue, and loss of memory and focus. However, it is ...
From Sperm Quality to Fatherhood: 11 Steps to Enhance Male Fertility
By Dickson Okorafor · 1 year ago
It is true that various lifestyle and health factors can impact sperm development, shape, count, movement, and volume in middle-aged men (40 and above). While age itself can contribute to changes in sperm parameters, there ...
Semen Volume and Aging: Optimizing the Changes in a Man's Sexual Health
By Dickson Okorafor · 1 year ago
It is generally true that as men age, their bodies may produce less semen and other bodily fluids compared to when they were younger. This is a natural part of the aging process and is ...
Human Sex Pheromones and Attractiveness in Intimate Relationships
By Dickson Okorafor · 1 year ago
The concept of human sex pheromones and their role in attracting potential partners has been a topic of scientific and popular interest for quite some time. While pheromones do exist in the animal kingdom and ...
8 Common Sexual Problems in Men Over 30: Causes and Natural Solutions
By Dickson Okorafor · 1 year ago
Sexual problems such as weak erection, poor sex drive, performance anxiety, lack of sexual pleasure, premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, shorter sexual sessions, and low semen volume can indeed occur in men aged 30 and above. ...
False Allegations-Secrets and Lies
By Carol Braun · 1 year ago
We all like to watch the police and court procedurals on television. I don’t know how many episodes of Law and Order I have watched over the years. They always get their man, wrangling between ...
An app that will teach men to understand and manage their emotions
By Sergey Konovalov · 1 year ago
The “Man up!” mindset forces men to suppress their emotions, and society actively encourages it. A number of my male friends have recently confessed to suffering from this, which led me to the idea of ...
Pheromones FAQs
By Nihon Kazanawa · 3 years ago
Most people think that pheromones are a type of magical compound that can help them attract a partner. There is some scientific research going on to find out if these types of perfumes really work. ...
Why Men Snore More Than Women
By Tanako Takanawa · 3 years ago
According to many research studies, men tend to snore more than women. Maybe your husband is also a habitual snorer. Snoring can be quite annoying, especially for those who sleep next to a person while ...
How Men's Dental Health Is Linked to Snoring
By Tanako Takanawa · 3 years ago
Most of the health problems faced by man can be detected at an early stage with a few minutes of a dental exam. For example, snoring is associated with dental health and may be a ...
How Sleep Position Might Impact Your Snoring
By Tanako Takanawa · 3 years ago
Some people tend to snore when they sleep on their backs. So, can we say that your sleeping position can impact your snoring? If so, is there any way to cure this problem once and ...
Herbal Remedy for Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis
By Rita May · 4 years ago
Chronic bacterial prostatitis, or prostatitis syndrome (PS) II, accounts for about 5% - 10% of PS. Its clinical manifestations are quite different, which may be caused by acute bacterial prostatitis or secondary to the infection ...
An Ultimate Guide for Clueless Guys in Buying Flower
By Martin Tang · 6 years ago
Buying flowers for the first time might be daunting task for some inexperienced guys. This can sometimes stop the guy from buying flowers for their girlfriend because they have no idea where to buy it ...
Best Electric Shaver Skin Products
By Hosea Perry · 8 years ago
Men and also women made a mistake thinking that once they have shaved their face and other parts of the body the routine is done and their skin will be fine without taking further action. ...
Christian? Want to Know How to Get Girls?
By Jamie Cassata · 12 years ago
First Principle: Embrace the Single Life Coming to appreciate the value of single life is indispensible for getting girls. Value your independence and you avoid neediness. "For there are eunuchs who have been so from ...
5 Men's Weight Loss Guidelines
By Karl King · 12 years ago
Men's weight reduction: it's a sensitive problem for many men. If you're like many men, you're fighting to keep your weight in balance. It's fine though, because once you understand these simple tips, you'll find ...
Are You Happy With Your Man Boobs?
By Patrick Brennan · 12 years ago
Yep, we're talking Man Boobs here! How would you like to say goodbye to skin that's flabby and has no definition? Wouldn't it be great to show off a nice chiseled look? You will feel ...
Men and Makeup - Manly or Modest?
By Artur Cosicov · 12 years ago
Men and women have been wearing makeup for centuries and when associating men with makeup, most would think that men who wear it are rather effeminate. This could not be further from the truth. Throughout ...