Diets for the Bearded Dragon

Pets → Reptiles

  • Author Tom Wilson
  • Published June 16, 2011
  • Word count 436

The bearded dragon diet could quite possibly be the most fastidious thing you may ever have to go through as far as pet diets go. Bearded dragons are omnivores (they eat both meat and plant) and they must have a very specific diet, for them to be healthy. Below are some specific steps that you can take in order to ensure your bearded dragon is getting the best diet and care it can.

  1. Variety is the key. Feeding him just crickets won't do him good, and he will become nutritionally deficient. Provide a wide range of foods for a spicy diet.

  2. When it comes to maintaining a healthy bearded dragon diet, it is vital to do two things when feeding your beardie crickets: Gut load your crickets with healthy stuff. Basically, what the crickets eat, the same does your bearded dragon. Also, powder your bearded dragon's food with bearded dragon vitamin supplements.

  3. Feeding it spinach and other green veggies in large amounts may leach precious calcium from your brearded dragon, and that does not do him good.

  4. As a rule of thumb, iceberg lettuce is not something you want to feed your bearded dragon.

  5. Dandelion Greens (yes, the weed), collard greens and mustard greens are very healthy for bearded dragons and can be eaten regularly.

  6. As a source of protein, mealworms are great. But in large amounts, your bearded dragon will find it hard to digest and may cause digestion issues.

  7. Anything in excess is bad, when it comes down to bearded dragon care. Small amounts of different foods will make your dragon very healthy.

  8. A good digestion for your bearded dragon requires also maintaining proper temperature in the bearded dragons cage. Too often beardie owners keep a low temperature in the cages and they cause troubles for the beardie's digestion. Let's not forget that these are cold-blooded desert animals and are used to a certain temperature.

  9. The bearded dragon can get constipated and parasites, even result in not eating, because of stress and other factors. Keeping a quiet, calm surrounding can be beneficial to your bearded dragon care.

  10. Don't be afraid to go to the vet if your beardie has health problems. If your dragon is visibly sick, it is a really bad sign and something must be done fast.

Beardies are really one of the best pets someone can have. You can really make your dragon live longer and healthier by just maintaining a healthy bearded dragon diet and by being mindful of its needs. You can best server your pet for years to come, if you become an expert in bearded dragon care.

Tom Wilson is an enthusiast of the Bearded Dragon pets, he has 3 of them himself and likes to share what he discovers with the others, so they don't go through the same mistakes as him.

Click here to learn more about the Bearded Dragon Diet.

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