Love: 7 golden rules to keep your relationship going

Social IssuesSexuality

  • Author Amie Dawson
  • Published April 10, 2020
  • Word count 1,251

Discover the golden rules in love to improve and optimize your pleasure, sexuality, confidence, and affection within the couple.

Touch your lover to make your love relationship last

The sense of touch releases endorphins in both the person who touches and the person who is touched. This hormone promotes well-being. So get into the habit of taking each other's hand while walking, touching each other's cheeks while kissing in the morning. Revive the little touching gestures you had in the beginning, such as a kiss on the ear, a hand in the hair, for example.

Adding touch to your relationship will build a fortress of love that will make you more united and stronger in times of pressure. It is also proven that the closest the couples are, the more resistant they are to infidelity.

To create this type of bond, start by supporting your partner as often as possible. You are a team. Keep his secrets as intact as possible, even if your friends in the office tell theirs. Except in an emergency, don't let anything interrupt your intimate moments with your partner. People will leave a message or come back to you later.

Make a commitment together to spend at least 30 minutes a day talking about your days, goals and dreams.

Build a real friendship with each other. Studies have shown that a couple who are also friends will make for a stronger, "sexier" relationship. Don't forget to make time for intimate moments, even if it means putting them on your calendar!

Make small compliments or call your partner spontaneously.

Be aware that it often takes several positive remarks to erase a single negative remark. So take the time to compliment your girlfriend on her new shoes or, conversely, make a positive comment about your boyfriend's new sweater. Take the time to call your spouse's office just for a quick hello and remember to thank often for the help you receive from your spouse and when you do, do it sincerely and look at each other in the eye.

By doing so, you will not only make your spouse more attracted to you, but you will also make him or her happier. After all, your story probably began because you enjoyed these little things about each other. You will soon realize that it is nice to share these little moments of love.

Work on yourself (don't blame your partner for what's wrong)

It's easy to blame the other person when you feel angry, disappointed, betrayed or stressed. The danger is thinking that it is your partner who needs to change to make your relationship work. But the problem is not always the other person. Check to see if you are the toxic person in your relationship.

Trying to get your partner to change puts him or her on the defensive mode and makes him or her see a negative version of yourself. The result? No one changes, no one takes charge of the relationship and everyone is unhappy.

The real solution: change yourself. When you become aware of your own weaknesses and try to see the best in your partner, the magic happens and optimism takes over. Your partner will feel much better because he or she will feel appreciated and not punished. Both of you will feel more motivated to change the way you do things to bring more happiness to yourselves.

Learn how to relax and change your attitude to help your relationship.

The classic advice that all the experts give to singles looking for a soul mate? Be the one you want to attract. The same applies in the case of a long-term relationship. If you feel happy or fulfilled, your relationship will be a happy one too. The better you feel, the better your relationship will be. It will be easier to manage conflict. Find a relaxing activity that suits you. Whether it's 15 minutes of morning yoga, a new hobby that helps you let go, or cooking classes, positive emotions can only make you feel happier or happier and you'll have richer times together. Think about self-pleasuring on a regular basis - this is an aspect that creates much tension in relationships.

Be fair and equitable during the quarrels to solidify your love relationship.

Conflicts are a part of every relationship and are sometimes quite healthy. The important thing is how they are managed. A study conducted in Florida among long-term couples showed that being able to handle a conflict situation as a couple is a key factor in the success of 70% of the couples surveyed. With the right tools and the right attitude, arguments can become a path to deeper intimacy, a way to show yourself and the other person in their true light and to accept the other person in all their vulnerability and wholeness. Your union can only be strengthened by this.

Stay away from criticism, confrontation and hostility. All these attitudes will only worsen the situation. Researchers at the University of California followed 79 couples for more than a decade and found that couples who divorced early frequently argued with each other and often did so defensively. Happy couples avoided verbalizing critical thoughts, kept discussions at a reasonable level, and did not use definitive terms such as "never" or "always.

When a fight breaks out, try to change the subject, use humor, empathy and show your partner your appreciation for him or her. Is it too late? Take a nap, go outside for some fresh air and come back to the discussion when you've both calmed down.

Choose the right time to have a more serious discussion with your partner.

Don't start a heated discussion if you are not rested or haven't eaten. Fatigue and hunger can cause you to make hateful remarks and let negative thoughts escape. Avoid drinking alcohol for the same reasons. Instead, wait until you can toast your reconciliation.

Never try to resolve a conflict situation if you are distracted by something. Turn off the television, move your smartphone away from the room and turn off your computer. If you are disturbed by an outside factor, postpone the discussion. You won't be able to resolve anything while not completely focused on the problem.

Listen more to your better half... and vice versa!

What if there was only one thing you could do better to ensure a healthier relationship with your partner? Talk less and listen more. Blaming, insults, criticism, and blackmail never end well and create a difficult atmosphere to deal with. When the discussion turns into a fight, don't interrupt, wait before offering a solution or defending yourself too quickly.

When it comes to emotions, they must be heard. Nod your head, rephrase what your spouse is saying to let him or her know that you are listening to him or her, and react briefly to what he or she says to show that you respect the feelings he or she expresses in words. Sometimes all we need to feel closer to someone is to listen to what they have to say.

One last piece of advice in conclusion: did you usually wear something attractive in bed to please him or her? I Guess you keep wearing that old T-shirt with the holes in it? Feel free to spice up your look from time to time! Feeling good about yourself will brighten your looks and sparkle the flames in your partner's eyes. You'll start enjoying more intimate moments. You know how things work in men;s brains.

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