Dealing With Herpes

Social IssuesSexuality

  • Author Jade Simpson
  • Published September 26, 2008
  • Word count 708

Most of the real treasures of this world lies in the depths of things. If you had yourself with the content of superficial things-think what you want to default. If you do swim to the surface of the water you miss the wonders below. If you do eat the skin of fruit and vegetables you would be in a sorry state. If you ever read a book is it the first few pages, or if you've always wanted to see in a movie trailer, you can of course be missing the big picture.

There is no cure for herpes. The virus lives in the depths of your heart on your nerves cells. It has access to all the thoughts and feelings on this path through your body. When you balance the virus is likely to sleep when you are out of balance, anger, fear, anxiety, shame the virus is probably going to be active.

To truly manage your herpes in a comprehensive manner that you have to take a deep personal inventory. What are your triggers? Are you at peace with the virus "permanent presence in your body? Have you managed to reject the superficial and petty placed on the stigmatization of people with herpes and regained all the self-esteem and confidence that you lost when you discover that you had herpes? Do you live a life of integrity by informing your potential lovers advance your status as herpes and do your best to manage your herpes so you are less likely 'infect others? What are you ready to start doing to manage your herpes better? What are you willing to stop doing to manage your herpes better? Are you fixated on the negative aspects of having the herpes or are you looking at the best side of things?

Once a seamless personal inventory is taken, it is possible to see the situation as a whole to have herpes. There is not completely negative or completely positive experiences in life. The herpes should not be a negative experience. There are positive aspects that herpes.

Herpes can act as a barometer which sends you a warning when you became too far from equilibrium.

Having herpes can be like a litmus test to show you who really cares about you. If, after a person that you have herpes, they are less interested in pursuing a romantic and sexual relationship with you, they are not enough on you to begin. If, after someone who is a friend or family member that you have herpes and you feel their lack of support then you see more clearly where we were with them all along.

Having herpes challenges your personal integrity. It challenges you to tell the truth an uneasy lovers for their own protection and challenges you to take measures to protect the health of others.

If you've never known what it is to be scorned or be prejudiced because of something beyond your control, helps you herpes experience this reality so you can better sympathize with d ' Other victims of discrimination in our society.

Having herpes is a cold slap of humility too arrogant in our existence as human beings on this planet. We were told by some of our religions and philosophies that we are the dominant force on the planet when in reality microbes have always been dominant and continue to be dominant. As I said in others, we are writing a Sideshow-plus of the real action in this world happens on a microscopic scale. We are a home to hundreds or even thousands of viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa. We were unable to digest food without the hundreds of bacteria in our mouths and intestines. We are colonized by microbes. Most are beneficial or neutral some are harmful. Maybe with more humility we would be less likely to abuse the plants, animals and the environment around us and see the larger image.

Staying healthy balance with your own thoughts and emotions including making peace with the herpes virus is the most important step in the management of herpes to a healthy overall. The herbal medicine, drug, supplements, yoga, hypnosis, etc. can all help, but goes deep inside and bringing peace and harmony in your life is key.

Read about symptoms of herpes and herpes cure at the Herpes Facts website.

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