Are You Casual Girls Enough To Contemplate Casual Sex?

Social IssuesSexuality

  • Author Francis Githinji
  • Published October 5, 2008
  • Word count 531

Are You Casual Girls Enough To Contemplate Casual Sex They are ready to kiss a stranger and go as far as you can imagine with a person they have known not more that one month. That is why there is no love in modern relationships because the goal posts have shifted. You can't first get intimate and then try to work out a love plan to maintain a relationship. I mean there is no drive at all. All i know is that where there is love as the initial seed there is everything there need to be. On the other hand, where there is passion and lust there is everything wrong there can be.

If you start by getting intimate do not wonder why your love life is heating up too fast. If you are contemplating getting intimate, do not take such a relationship to the next level. Not until you hear me out. Your first date flame might be your next mistake if you take it down too fast. Casual sex has become the norm of the day. You think you can handle it? think twice. Men are welcoming the idea that not every girl who gets naked infront of him is eager for a marriage proposal. My dear casual girls, your male counterpart can handle unemotional sex but unfortunately science has revealed that you might be a little bit disadvantaged.

Women nowadays are using sex to maintain relationships which is way bad. The intention is good but the course is so wrong it is unbelievable. Those who are not in the category of casual Girls are persuing sex, delaying love and in the process losing both. Poor souls. They have not known that when men and women engage in sex they release different sets of chemicals in their bodies. Just to be specific, women release relatively higher amounts of oxytocin. This is the brain hormone responsible for the urge to bond and establish long-life relationships. The testosterone in men inhibit the oxytocin fuzzies. This is why a man is capable of "loving with no attachment" or having casual sex. This is why as a woman you should never knock boots with him too soon before you are sure that is what you want.

Are you one of the casual girls? you might be attached to a man you had no intention of hanging on to. It might be fashionable but it is not for you. It is not your fault, it is just biological. You do not choose what goes on in your body. You are a woman and so do not try to be a man. Another thing that make women to make the wrong assumption is actually lack of knowledge. If you knew you would habor feelings after a casual sex encounter with a non-emotional jerk, i bet you wouldn't dare to do so. Now because you know, do not get intimate with a man who is not yet attached to you. The heart to heart connection is what is important in a relationship. If the guy in your life has got well fixed, emotional sex will just be a nut to spice up your baking cake.

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