
Harmony in Understanding: The Interplay of Psychology and Emotional Intelligence
By Sa’quan Hicks · 8 months ago
In the intricate dance of human behavior and cognition, the collaboration between psychology and emotional intelligence emerges as a symphony of understanding. Both fields delve into the complexities of the human mind, shedding light on ...
Disability Discrimination
By Robin Akins · 10 months ago
Have you ever wondered what it's like to be disabled? The disability itself isn't easy. But another problem you face is disability discrimination. Disability discrimination means prejudiced actions against disabled people. Discrimination is part of ...
You Are Not Your Brain
By Sara Al Zadjali · 9 months ago
A while ago, I asked a few of my friends what they think about certain situations. Do they panic while facing something difficult? Or they immediately take a decision about what they must do. Unfortunately, ...
Counselling psychologists to the rescue for better parenting
By Bridget Rudo Gusto · 10 months ago
Counselling psychologists to the rescue for better parenting By Bridget R. Gusto Parenting, is not an easy task regardless no matter how old your child is, can be full of bad moments and amazing ones. ...
The Transformative Power of Mindset
By Wael Tawfik · 1 year ago
Mindset refers to the collection of beliefs, attitudes, and perspectives that shape our thoughts, emotions, and actions. It is a fundamental aspect of personal development and plays a crucial role in determining our success, resilience, ...
Understanding the Depths of Mental Health: Unveiling the Hidden Struggles
By Shamal Bandara · 1 year ago
Introduction In the bustling world we live in, one may assume that everyone around them is happy and carefree. However, beneath the surface, exist myriad problems that individuals grapple with silently. Mental health, a topic ...
Understanding Different Types of Trauma: A Comprehensive Overview
By Isabella Fairchild · 1 year ago
​Introduction: ​Trauma is a psychological response to an overwhelmingly distressing event or experience that exceeds one's ability to cope. It can have a lasting impact on an individual's mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Trauma can ...
8 Affordable Therapy Options for 2023 in the UK, Including CBT
By Clare Lupton · 1 year ago
Mental health is important, and many people need therapy, but it can be expensive. Fortunately, there are affordable therapy options in the UK that offer effective treatment. Here are 8 affordable therapy options for 2023, ...
Breaking Down the Benefits of Online Counselling in Alberta with
By John Smith · 1 year ago
As a professional counsellor, I have witnessed the transformative effects of counselling on individuals' lives. However, traditional counselling can be challenging for some people, especially those who live in remote areas or have busy schedules. ...
Realistic, prudent-thinking in this age
By Daniel Gallegos · 1 year ago
Summary: In contrast to nature, which stays beautiful by default, the human mind has developed a sophisticated perspective outside of its natural comfort zone in the pursuit of survival. Being confident in the face of ...
Camus on Freedom, Happiness and Suicide in Myth of Sisyphus
By Ikhenoba Joseph · 1 year ago
1.0. INTRODUCTION Approximately 1.5% of all deaths worldwide are by suicide (Fazel and Runeson, 2020). More than 800,000 people commit suicide every year – around one person every 40 seconds – (World Health Organization, 2022). ...
The need for counselling psychologists in each private and public school in Zimbabwe.
By Nadine T. Shava · 1 year ago
The need for counselling psychologists in each private and public school in Zimbabwe. By Nadine T. Shava The necessity of the role played by counselling psychologists in the learner’s experience can no longer be ignored ...
Dealing With Phobias
By Md. Faisal Ahmed · 2 years ago
Fear becomes an obsession when you have to change your lifestyle to deal with it. A phobia is an extreme or irrational fear or terror caused by a particular object or situation that significantly limits ...
Nonverbal Communication: A skill we all need
By Md. Faisal Ahmed · 2 years ago
Nonverbal communication is the act of conveying a thought, feeling, or concept thru bodily gestures, posture, and facial expressions. An observation performed at UCLA located a majority of verbal exchange to be nonverbal, despite the ...
How to Beat Anxiety: A Look Into 6 Effective Methods
By Thomas Augusto · 2 years ago
If you know anyone who is suffering from anxiety, you are aware of how much it impacts their lives. It influences every aspect of their being: from concentration to personal relationships and even their sense ...
By Amba J Cleeve · 2 years ago
What was it that I was just about to do-*TYPE!*, I meant type...I think to myself. What a big deal, but not really. If I was to think “do” although I’d prefer to enhance my ...
Passion and Addiction
By Bruce Wilson · 2 years ago
Passion and Addiction Bruce Wilson, PhD “I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”- C.G. Jung How do passion and addiction differ? How are they similar? Could our passion ...
Planetosis and Denial
By Bruce Wilson · 2 years ago
Planetosis and Denial Bruce Wilson, PhD Planetosis: n. “A sick planet which has a cold, a fever, and some kind of weird infection. v. To be worried sick about the health of the planet, because ...
What does the Black Community think about Mental Health and Counseling?
By Dr. Marilyn Sturdivant, Dsw, Lcsw · 2 years ago
It’s not surprising that historically there has been a stigma related to mental health and the Black Community. So let’s talk about some stigmas that have suppressed our community. The statements below are not a ...
Fear and Freedom
By Bruce Wilson · 2 years ago
Fear and Freedom Bruce Wilson, PhD “Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is freedom.” Marilyn Ferguson When we have fear, we build walls to feel protected. These walls may protect ...