The Law Of Attraction & The Perfect Relationship

Social IssuesRelationship

  • Author Michael Mcgrath
  • Published November 7, 2007
  • Word count 1,043

Have you found yourself in a relationship that no longer brings you the joy it once did? Have you and your partner lost that intimacy, love and special feeling you once shared? Do you long to rekindle that old spark and begin a-new? Or, perhaps you wish to end your current relationship and seek out greener pastures?

If you are not new to the Law of Attraction then you will be aware that there is nothing that cannot be attracted, created or recreated by using this powerful universal law. We have no limits except those we impose upon ourselves. It is possible to recreate you existing relationship and to make it everything it once was but is this a wise choice to make if it affects another person?

Therefore the question may be on your mind, "Do I recreate my existing relationship and restore it to its previous glory, or do I walk away and attract something new?"

So regardless of the trials and tribulations that you may be currently experiencing in your relationship you should be aware that any problems can be fixed and lost love, joy, enthusiasm and passion can be restored through the workings of your mind and the use of your emotions.

You may be in a relationship that was once filled with the joy of living and now after some time and trials you find the relationship is no longer what it once was. Being aware that it is possible to recreate your existing relationship the question arises - should you recreate it the way it was by focusing on that? Or, should you release it and look for a new love that will fulfil your desire for joy?

To answer this question it is necessary to get in touch with your core desires. The universal Law of Attraction is non-judgemental. It doesn't care whether you believe your desires to be right or wrong, good or bad. It has no opinion on whether or not your thoughts are positive or negative, it merely responds to your habitual thinking and the power of your emotions and focus. For this reason it is important to get in touch with your core desires and the reasons for wanting a renewed joyful experience with another human being.

For instance you may be in a marriage that spans several decades and share many physical things with your spouse including, home, vehicles, bank accounts and even children. Do you believe that marriage is for life?

Under such conditions you may feel that it is the right thing to stay in a relationship that seems almost dead as the thought of venturing out on your own is not a prospect you wish to even contemplate. Perhaps your relationship has just become habitual and you want to renew the spark or take it in a new fresh direction. However, many times we stay in relationships that are not working becomes they are familiar and comfortable. The thought of starting all over again can evoke fear, trepidation or even despair.

If you take stock of your own emotions and really ask yourself why you are in a current relationship and what you are seeking from it, it should become clear what you should do.

However, whether you decide to recreate your existing relationship or attract a new one the key to manifesting more joy in this area of your life is acceptance. It is essential that you remove judgement and negative emotions regarding your current relationship and just allow it to be the way it is. It is an axiom of the Universe and at the very core of the Law of Attraction that you always get more of what you focus on. This is the reason behind the Carl Jung quote what we resist persists. What you are resisting and trying to push away or fix is actually what you are directing your focus towards. So allowing your relationship to be ok the way it is, is the first step to creating a better relationship whether that be with your current partner or someone else. In this respect you must also be willing to release the relationship completely and allow something better to come into your life even if it is your desire to recreate your existing relationship.

Sometimes we feel that the relationship would be better if only the other person changed! We try to focus on the other person becoming more like we want them to be in order to create the type of relationship we want. In such situations it may just be better to seek that type of person rather than trying to change are existing partner.

For example if you are in a relationship where your partner has an addiction and you wish to recreate the relationship as it once was you must first accept that your partner has an addiction and may never change and so be willing and open to finding the joy and harmony you want in a different relationship.

By getting in touch with the values and emotions that are driving your desire for a better relationship you can build up a picture and emotional mind-set of what you really want. By focusing on that and allowing your current circumstances to just be then you will find situations and circumstances unfolding that create the kind of relationship that you truly desire. This may be with your current partner or may be with someone else entirely.

When you accept what is you align yourself with the universe and step into your own power. This releases the resistance you may be feeling and therefore all the negative thoughts and feelings around it. Therefore when you begin to focus on what you do want the thoughts and feelings you are experiencing are not hindered by opposing energies and the Law of Attraction immediately sets in motion the manifestation of your desire.

Through the power of your focus and the strength of your positive emotions you can create anything you desire. By focusing on the feelings you will get from the perfect relationship and keeping only thoughts in your mind that make you feel that way you trigger the Law of Attraction and immediately begin the manifestation of your perfect relationship.

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