Keeping Engagement Rings: Keeping Promises

Social IssuesRelationship

  • Author Ishanna Jan
  • Published August 10, 2011
  • Word count 416

Have you ever wonder why people keep memories of the past though it hurts them so much? Do you believe in the irony of curing the pain through the pain itself? I myself have wondered on these thoughts and it never entered into my mind that I'll be keeping a promise of a person who left me. I don't want to wait any more. Long years have passed and I think enough is enough. I want to let go but it just that I can't go on.

I kept away the engagement rings he gave me seven years ago. I don't want to feel that pain of waiting any more. I don't want to suffer. I want to face a new sunshine. But really it's easy to say that we should let go but when the situation comes we can't do.

In this life that we walked with roughness and unpredictable ways the thing we can't endure is the pain of being left by someone we love. But in a larger sense before they go we said we will be waiting for them. Engagement rings are mere souvenirs of the past. Yet we can't live the future without memories of the past. These are things we could hold on while we wait for the future. The future that we are not sure of. Should we always hold on. What if the one we loved have vanished and find a new love? Shall we sacrifice our future for something we are not sure of? You can answer that if you have internalise it to yourself.

But out of the blue he showed up again with engagement rings on his hands; now he's willing to take the path we have promised to walk together. Good thing I was not able to fall in love to someone else though I almost gave up. Truly, after victory is gained after being hurt. He explained everything to me and what took him so long. And I have understand. Yet, if I don't what else could I do.

Sometimes in our life, we have to keep on going. Time may passed by but love never fades away. What we need to have is trust. It is an intangible thing that nobody can buy. Yet, it is the most powerful tool for a true happiness. Now, I am looking for that special thing I have kept. I will not stop until I find it. Because he keep his engagement rings and his promises.

I am a believer of true love. For me we can only have a true love once. I he goes away trust him that he'll come back. don't let go because keeping engagement rings is the thing you can hold on forever.

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