Male Enhancement: The Safety Issue

Social IssuesSexuality

  • Author Kiko Fuentez
  • Published November 12, 2011
  • Word count 448

Here’s the good news: there are some male enhancement options that are completely safe and effective to use. Of course, the operative word there is some, which means that there is a chance that you would be mining the solutions at the other end of the safety spectrum. To avoid male enhancement methods that aren’t worth your money, time, and effort, here is a breakdown of the products and techniques that have been proven ineffective and dangerous.

Penis pumps

As a male enhancement method, penis pumps have been around since the 1970s. They are quite familiar to most people, seeing as these devices are always advertised on the Internet, adult bookstores, and magazines. Basically, a penis pump is a contraption composed of a cylinder and a vacuum that makes the penis temporarily larger. Some endorsers of penis pumps claim that frequent use can cause permanent enlargement, but this has been debunked by a lot of male enhancement experts.

It should be noted that when any part of the body is subjected to a vacuum, blood vessels can rupture and this can lead to internal bleeding. Likewise, using a penis pump for a long time can permanently destroy penile tissues and affect the quality of erections in the long run.


Another old school approach to male enhancement, penis weights involve hanging a weight from your penis to stretch the penile tissues. Some swear by this method, saying that with regular use, any man can achieve greater penis length. However, what these advocates do not tell you is that greater length actually translates to thinner penis. You would also be shocked to learn that penis weights can desensitize your package – quite a big possibility actually, given that this male enhancement method can cause your penis to scar, sustain ruptured blood vessels and incur permanent nerve damage.


Something as permanent and expensive as surgery must only be considered if there are no other male enhancement options available. As with other medical procedures, penis enlargement surgery comes with risks, which may not be worth the benefits in the long run. For one thing, surgery can lead to infections, scar tissue formation and even a misshapen penis. Plus, there is also the issue of downtime, which is something that other male enhancement methods do not come with.

If you are convinced that surgery is the only way to get a bigger penis, do yourself a favor and try to research the success rate or visit forums or blogs to get more information about the procedure. Do not be too hasty about making this decision as it may be one that you would come to regret in a few months.

Visit male enhancement product review websites to know more about what male enhancer can do for you and always consult your doctor before trying any male enhancement to be sure if it is safe to take.

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