Aphrodisiac Foods for Sexual Enhancement

Social IssuesSexuality

  • Author Dr Anne
  • Published January 19, 2008
  • Word count 711

A historic agent in enhancing individuals desire for sexual intimacy is in aphrodisiac elements. The ancient Greek goddess of Sensuality, Aphrodite, labeled such a libido-arousing agent aphrodisiac. From goddess Aphrodite's dubbed pronouncement to present times, it has been revered that numerous drinks and foods have an associated connotation towards the acquisitions of the pleasurable delights of sexual encounters. Hence, such editable foods are considered, amongst many individuals, as aphrodisiac foods.

Countering the mythical goddess of ancient Grecian times, Aphrodite, are the scientific studies by medical and physiological experts that there is a lack of substantial evidence, which can concretely prove that any specific foods act as aphrodisiac foods, in the propagation of desires or performance in a sexual nature. Therefore, clinical research unfoundedly suggests that for those individuals who hold to beliefs surrounding the sexually enhancing properties of such foods regarded as aphrodisiac foods, conceive notions out of sheer belief, as with the placebo effect.

Among the more natural and common foods purported by those believers in the properties within aphrodisiac foods, include such consumables as carrot, chocolate, banana, eggs, fennel, ginkgo biloba, garlic, ginseng, honey, kelp, maca, oat, onion, oysters, peach, pepper, shilajit, Spanish fly and walnut oil. Of the more exotic variety of foods that have received perceived regards in being amid such aphrodisiac foods, are artichokes, asafetida, asparagus, basil, cardamon, clove, ginger, nuts, pomegranate, saw palmetto, strawberries, tomatoes, truffles, turtle eggs, mangos and mamey sapote.

The theory behind those supporters who genuinely believe in the enhancement of sexually charged prowess derived from the consumption of aphrodisiac foods is in a number of perceived effects upon the libido of individuals of either sex. Such effects are directed, more pointedly though unfounded, towards the brain. It is of the belief of those promoting the sexual enhancing properties within such suggested aphrodisiac foods to have a physiological impact on the brain, in the ability to release particular chemicals. Such chemistry derived from those individuals consuming indicated aphrodisiac foods is in the stimulation of respective sexually related organs. However, this concept is widely diverse and vague, and, from a scientific perspective, has never been proven.

Visually, further perception by those proponents of aphrodisiac foods, gives suggestive credence to the shape of particular fruits and vegetables, in correlation to their respective appearances instilling suggestive impulses conjured within the imagination of individuals. Two examples of such theology are in the artichoke and asparagus, suggesting a connection between such stimulating properties from both appearance and consumption.

From a clinical standpoint, amongst aphrodisiac foods, it has been determined that celery contains androsterone. As a male hormone, androsterone possesses the ability to generate the arousal of sexual desires within women. In the same vein, though purely through conception, is that other vegetables, such as carrot, fennel and onion possess libido-stimulating benefits in their respective properties.

Where fruits are concerned, aphrodisiacs of fruits, genuinely believe that the intimacy enhancing properties, along with appearance, of bananas heads the list of aphrodisiac foods. The rationale supporting those enthusiasts of aphrodisiac properties within certain foods, maintain the belief that the chemical ingredients within the composition of bananas, which are the enzyme bromelain, and chelating minerals are suspected to improve the libido of men.

Classified among exotic aphrodisiac foods is the pomegranate. Under the guise of Chinese lore, this particular fruit, based upon its abundance of seeds, promotes and serves, as a symbol, of prosperity, in the form of an abundant household. Such abundance is measured in the size of the family, based, of course, on procreation. Hence, procreation is brought about through sexual interaction.

Among nuts, within the bounds of referenced aphrodisiac foods, is the gingko nut. Such variety of nut has been clinically proven to enhance blood circulation within the body's extremities. Circulation has been founded in the increased level of libido.

Another scientifically proven source for sexual enhancement, where men are concerned, among the more commonly referenced aphrodisiac foods is oats. This particular grain encourages the release of testosterone amongst men. An increase in male testosterone is significant in its correlation to aiding heightened libido.

In an overall recap of such beliefs in aphrodisiac foods, is, in opposition to clinical research, to respect that if an individual truly believes in the effectiveness within such practices, it then can work.

Dr John Anne is a Herbal and Sex Specialist having years of experience in the field of Sexual Health Care. Read about Penis Enlargement Surgery at Sexual Health Website. Also read about Natural Breast Enlargement to know about Natural Methods of Breast Enhancement

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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