Allergies During Menopause - Can Progesterone Help Relieve Them?
Social Issues → Women's Issues
- Author Cathy Taylor
- Published March 28, 2008
- Word count 543
Menopause is said to have set in when a women stops ovulating
and her period ceases. Menopause allergies are common with
some women. Most women reach menopause between the age of
45 and 55 years and the average age for reaching menopause is
around 50 years.
However, 1% percent of women reach menopause before 40.
Referred to as premature menopause, or premature ovarian
failure, menopause brings with it a host of discomforts, including
allergies from various allergens present in the environment. The
immune system of menopausal women goes into disarray and
many become susceptible to allergies during menopause.
Menopause Allergies: What Are They
Allergens are substances, most often eaten or inhaled, which can
cause an allergic reaction when recognized by the immune system.
The medical world has not been able to come up with a
comprehensive list of allergens, because sensitivities vary from one
individual to another. To make matters worse, it is possible to be
allergic to literally anything.
Menopause Allergies: Causes
The main cause of allergy in menopausal women is usually
progesterone. It is very rare and difficult to treat, but occurs often
enough to cause discomfort and pain. Allergies include a broad
variety of symptoms and have an effect on people in different
ways. The severity of allergic reactions can depend on the type of
allergen, the level of exposure and each individual's immune
Menopause Allergies: Symptoms
Medical research on progesterone, irrespective of its origin,
whether synthetic, produced by the body or from natural
supplements or application of creams, has observed and
accredited progesterone with causing rare allergic reactions to the
The symptoms can be rashes to urticaria, better known as 'hives,'
or life-threatening reactions like anaphylactic shock. Progesterone,
produced by the body, has caused very severe allergic rashes in
menopausal women is very difficult to treat.
Menopause Allergies: Effects
Allergic symptoms during menopause can result in acne, rosacea,
psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis. Some relief givers are different
topical medications for the problem. Certain type of seborrhea
responds well to antifungal drugs like ketoconazole cream, others
respond well to sulfa-based compounds.
Some need occasional short courses of cortisone creams.
Menopausal women should be careful not to overdo the
cortisones. This can have damaging side effects, if used over a
prolonged period, or if the medication used on thin skin is too
Other menopause and allergies issues extend to inexplicable
episodes of anaphylaxis due to abnormal reactivity to
progesterone that tend to be pre-menopausal, but may occur
anytime. The pathogenesis of this disorder is unknown, but
laboratory studies indicate that progesterone may either induce
histamine release from basophiles directly or make mast cells more
susceptible to other mast cell degranulators.
Evidence of estrogen and progesterone hormone allergy
discovered by researchers in Austin, Texas, shows that some
women with menopausal allergies, like asthma and migraine
headaches, might be experiencing allergies to their own estrogen
and progesterone hormones.
Women patients who experienced health changes during their
menstrual cycle had higher levels of IgE antibodies against
progesterone and estrogen than menopausal women did. Allergies
can be caused seemingly unexpected. What you are allergic today,
you may not be allergic to tomorrow. Menopause and allergies is
an increasing problem for the medical practitioners the world over,
but efforts are on to find healthy solutions for them.
To learn exactly how to eliminate menopause symptoms visit To learn more about allergies and menopause symptoms, go to
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