What To Look Out For To Know If He Is Cheating On You

Social IssuesRelationship

  • Author Francis K. Githinji
  • Published April 22, 2008
  • Word count 508

How wonderful it is to be in love and to be loved in return but what if your man turns out to be a dog and betrays the love you cherish so much? Any woman who has been cheated on will openly admit that they had suspected it but stayed in denial until it was too late. When a man is in love even the dumbest person in the world will notice. When he starts being keen on what he is putting on in terms of attire especially the underwear then you can be sure it is not meant for you to perceive him as a clean and organized man but to create that impression in another woman. This will be an initial sign for you to know that he is cheating on you.

When a man is cheating on you he will not answer his phone when you are around and if he does, he will keep on stumbling with words such as ok, well and yes. He can never say a word that might make you guess what they are talking about and when you enter the room when he is on phone he will hurriedly hung up promising to get back to the caller. He will also have a tendency of carrying his phone to wherever he is going. This is because he fears the other woman might call and you may answer the call and when he finally put that security code in his phone symbolizing that his phone is off limits then you should not wait for the prophet of doom to come and spell it out to you.

Business meetings will automatically increase and they will be scheduled at very odd hours and when he finally arrives home in the dead hours of the night, he will not bother to take supper because he is checking on his weight or he is having stomach crumbs. This off course is a white lie revealing that he is cheating on you, he is already well fed. He will definitely get to bed in very bad mood and not even bother to fulfill his conjugal rights and if he does try to make love to you it will be the worst sexual ordeal of your life. This is a sure sign that the passion in your relationship is dead and you better start packing before you are thrown out.

The worst experience when a man is cheating on you is when he starts comparing you with the other woman and expects you to do things the same way his mistress does! Why don't you use tampons instead of sanitary towels because i believe they are more comfortable. This is because the other woman uses them and she had made him to believe they are comfortable. You do not have to wait for your relationship to deteriorate to this level hoping that all this will end and you will have your once loving and caring man back just remember that you can never change a man.

Francis K. Githinji Is A Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Cheating On You Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Cheating On You.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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ashton · 16 years ago
well i am having suspision that my man is cheating. it really dont matter cuz there is more where he came from i hope a little bit better. when i call he doesnt answers the only time i talk to him is wen i call or text him. we saw each other for the 1st time saturday and its different. after that day i dont hear from him for 3 days i dont know we have been together for 9 months and after the day i saw him cuz he had just came in from driving trucks he has changed this has been going on for 3 months now..if he is i need to know cuz i cant hurt no more i just want it to be over if hes gunna put me through hell