How Opposite-Sex Friendships Can Enrich One's Life

Social IssuesRelationship

  • Author Francis K. Githinji
  • Published July 13, 2008
  • Word count 544

Can there be anything like friendship between two people of the opposite sex? Many people think that this is impossible but i think that platonic relationship between a man and a woman is very healthy. Many women confess to having spent wonderful time with their male best friends with the absence of their husbands. Their husbands think it is great and i think they are right. A good marriage is based on trust and something like friendships with an opposite-sex becomes completely inconsequential. You must agree with me that this is a new relationship phenomenon featuring in only this generation. The previous generations believed that opposite-sex friendships were a potential bombs to many marriages. Family and marriage therapists believe that the easiest opposite-sex friendships to maintain are the friendships which were established long before someone got married. Such relationships are not threatening since you had them before you were married.

Some of these friends are helpful when it comes to shoe shopping, some offer perfect shoulders to cry on and some good ones are good at both. They respect each others partners a lot. Problems come in if one spouse in marriage does not have friends from the opposite sex. If your husband has some girlfriends he will rarely have a problem with you having man friends. Dramas start when partners create new opposite-sex friendships and keeps it a secret from her/his spouse. It is a clear indication that the person feels romantically attracted to the new friend. Such behaviors greatly interferes with issues concerning trust and harbors romantic jealousy. If one partner is so outgoing and the other one is reserved. The reserved one always thinks that the other one has romantic relationships with his female friends. Such unclear speculations can lead to divorce.

Deep insecurity in a relationship leads to thriving jealousy which shoots form zero to somewhere close to paranoia. You should introduce all your friends to your partner to avoid panic attacks. Couples should establish an honest and open communication about opposite-sex friendships. They are very beneficial. John who maintains a close relationship with females some of who are married including his high school friend, Staicy. They usually meet once or twice a week with staicy who is sometimes accompanied by her husband. John says that he values the perspective provided by married women. They are more knowledgeable when it comes to relationship and are far better listeners. Their advice is always great. It is quiet unrealistic to expect one person to meet all your social needs. Your spouse cannot be everything to you. Well-managed cross-sex friendships are healthy to any marriage.

When people get married they tend to place so many expectations on marriage. They expect the relationship to fulfill all the social needs which might be impossible. People who hang out in mixed gender groups are more happy than those who only interact with people of their own gender. Opposite-sex friendships are more fulfilling. It is described as a spiritual form of love just like sisterly or brotherly love. in most cases the two friends share some interests or hobbies which are not usually shared by the spouse. It is a wonderful feeling to have a platonic relationship. However your partner should always have an open invitation.

Francis K. Githinji Is A Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Opposite-Sex Friendships Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Opposite-Sex Friendships.

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