3 No Miss Tips to Get Back Boyfriend Quick!

Social IssuesRelationship

  • Author Mark Myers
  • Published September 3, 2008
  • Word count 681

Do not start feeling helpless and lonely. I get the fact you hurt, I've been there.You are not alone. Millions of people just broke up. Thousands of women have learned the secrets to get back boyfriend in a hurry.

Most of what the get boyfriend back books you find on the web take 60 pages and $50 to tell you what the next sentence says. Spend time on yourself and forget him. There did that help? I didn't think so. You want techniques and insight you can use to get back boyfriend. This will give you some direction.

  1. Gather your composure and reclaim your self respect.

You must not panic. Even though the rejection shoots pain deep into the center of your soul, all is not lost. Just get some perspective on what has actually happened. The truth is, your life will be fantastic, whether you choose to get back boyfriend, or not, and yes it will be your choice not his. I bet you have broken up with someone before. It might not have been as serious looking back, but I bet it didn't seem that way at the time. So, now is the time to develop a plan and relax.

Next, take your self respect back. If you are harassing your ex with constant emails, texts, and voice mails, comments on his profile, etc. STOP NOW. This is extremely unattractive and will push him away more. If you want to get back boyfriend, you have to quit trying to pull him in. This almost always backfires, and will actually push him away.

  1. Agree with the break up.

This will be hard, but you must do it. By agreeing with the break up, you will instantly cause a state of confusion in your ex. You are not supposed to react this way. You are supposed to be mad, upset, beg, plead, haunt them, anything but agree. This is not what they expect. You also do something far more important. Men are very uncomplicated. They want what they cannot have. And they want most what is just outside of their reach. They enjoy the chase. If your ex believes you will be back at his whim, he will not want you. Painful but true. When you agree with the break up, they will think you have moved on before them. This is extremely powerful, and is the required first step to get back boyfriend.

  1. Do not contact them.

Three to four weeks is the required time. Don't call. Pretend they do not exist. Don't send them emails. Do not leave them comments on MySpace or FaceBook. Don't text them. What do you do? Have tons of fun. Do not under any circumstances look at their profile on MySpace or FaceBook. They will not forget about you, so relax. As a matter of fact, three weeks is when they will miss you the most. If you have a MySpace or FaceBook account, post tons of pictures of you having fun on your MySpace or FaceBook. He will be looking.

Perceptions are reality. If he perceives you no longer need him, and have moved on, he will find you irresistible, that is the way men are wired , and they cannot help themselves. Remember when your grandmother told you that boys should call you, not the other way around? This is why. Most men will contact you when they think they are missing out. Let their selective memory kick in, so that they only remember the good things about you.

If contact cannot be avoided, be cheerful and smile when you see them, make small talk and excuse yourself. Do not talk about the relationship. When they ask how you are, use a little mystery with a sly grin. It will drive them crazy ( and back to you).

These three steps will work the majority of the time. When they do not, and even when they do, this article is not long enough to outline everything you should do and say. There is a no fail recipe to follow to insure you get back boyfriend.

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Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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