"When Relationships Will Not Resolve And Let Go"

Social IssuesRelationship

  • Author Bart Sharp
  • Published September 18, 2008
  • Word count 401

Have you ever had a relationship that was not good for you but you could not find a way to leave it? Or do you have a relationship that had certain aspects that that seem to have a conflictual part to it even though the rest of the relationship was good? Have you ever had a relationship that you cannot let go of long after the breakup?

Generally speaking relationships are complicated. There are a variety of factors of why some are easy and others are painful. One of the more popular theories of why we have conflict with our intimate partners is that we unconsciously pick our partner because they are like the parent that we have unresolved conflicts with. Thus we are unconsciously trying to work the parental issues out within our self through our partner. If we can explore the similarities of our partner and our parent we begin to get insights of the emotional dynamics that we would like to resolve.

Using the tools of Access Energy Transformation Access Facilitator Bart Sharp explores the emotional dynamics of the relationship from a cognitive and energetic perspective. Bart coaches the recipient how to get in touch with emotional cores of the issue. Once the person is in touch with their past conflicts Bart uses the tools of Access and the energetic memories are released permanently although the retention of the event remains. Without the original emotional distresses that we had with our parents in our body memory we generally feel that a huge weight is lifted off of us. Then our present day relationships have better possibilities of being in ease, joy and glory.

Sometimes we feel stuck in a relationship that we do not like yet we are in it and do not know why we are staying. In some cases we have been involved with this person from other lifetimes and we are unconsciously bound to them due to our past life commitments with them. Using the tools of Access Energy Transformation we are able to identify these past lives that we are acting out and release them. Bart says, "I have heard several times after one session the relationship ended quickly because the unconscious conflict was no longer there. In other cases the issues of conflict involved in the relationship does not seem to exist anymore so the couple is free to have a happier relationship."

Bart Sharp is an Access Learning Facilitator from Austin Texas. He has worked on varieties issues using the Access tools. He can be contacted at 512 809 6807 or bart@bartsharp.com. For more information about Bart and Access Energy Transformation go to www.bartsharp.com or www.accessaustinenergy.com

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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