What Does Sex Mean to You

Social IssuesSexuality

  • Author Alison Sardelli
  • Published October 9, 2008
  • Word count 1,028

   Perhaps one of the few constants in the human race has always been the need to reproduce. Through the ages humans and their sexual habits have changed together through society’s demands, cultural responses and instinctual desires. Religion has also shaped the way, how and why humans have copulated for thousands of years; in some cases even demanding surgical procedures be done to infants to assimilate them into the environment. The various cultures around the world have thousands of different philosophies, laws and socially acceptable procedures when it comes to mating. With such a large history and so many different points of view, the entire subject of sex can be a little confusing for any individual.

  Why is it important to know what it means to you? The changes a person experiences when being physical intimate with another person can affect a great deal more than just their physical body. Understanding both your desires and your reactions to a wide variety of situations can help you strengthen both your social and sexual life.

  Sex and Youth: Regardless of religious, spiritual or ethical beliefs for many younger people sex is a big issue that is often on their minds. Despite sex being a touchy subject with some parents, most children have a fair idea of the physical components involved in sex and how they work together by the time they reach their mid-teens. Unfortunately without proper discussion and education the physical side of sex is often the only aspect that younger people focus on. Youth often comes with feelings of invincibility and an eager curiosity to explore new things, especially those forbidden to them. Without understanding how sexual experiences can affect the emotional growth of an individual most younger people subject themselves to encounters that are both confusing and distressing even if physically pleasurable. One of the ways to avoid this is to discuss any and all feelings a person has about the issue with a friend or parent; before a situation arises when instinct begins to take over it can be helpful to know how you feel about possibilities.

  Media: Through almost, if not every, media source we see sex brought up on a regular basis, in many forms and with many messages about its’ importance in our society. One message might be to remind you that sex is out there and if you purchase a certain product you have a better chance of participating in it. Another could remind you that if you choose to have sex it’s possible that you could experience some very serious and unpleasant physical consequences. These messages, though often taken for granted as normal, have had an enormous impact on our society; by swaying what would normally be a natural instinct and reshaping it into a social issue our society has introduced entirely new levels of mental connections to what originally may have been a much simpler, physical act. People are forced to feel a certain way about the issues related to sex if they are to fit in with their peers, family, religious organizations and even their own sub consciences. Understanding that certain ideas are socially acceptable, while retaining your own personal beliefs about sex, can be a grueling task for a person of any age; knowing and feeling comfortable with how sex relates to your life can allow freedom from such influences and help any person to adjust to the ever changing ideals of the media’s point of view.

  Instinct: The instinctual need to populate the planet to ensure the survival of the human race has not been a necessity for many years. Despite this change many people still feel the very same physical desires that humans felt thousands of years ago. Some individuals choose to act purely on instinct when it comes to sex and do not believe in complicating it with emotional or psychological attention; unfortunately this usually leads to repetitive and often destructive behavior when it comes to how they socialize. To ignore the almost certain emotional impact that sex can have on a person is a great deal like dancing through a fire and pretending not to be burned; a person may convince their waking mind that they are emotionally and mentally unattached to sexual activities, but usually this simply means that their way of coping with their feelings is to ignore them. While many people who refuse to admit that they even have feelings, (oh yes they are out there,) would assure those around them that they suffer no ill consequences from such behavior, often these people have no close relationships, be it friend or romantic or even family and become easily frustrated with seemingly unrelated situations because they are unable to interpret their own reactions to a wide variety of experiences in life. While instinct can create some fantastic feelings throughout the body, the development of the human brain has made it difficult to focus solely on the physical side of sex. Even those individuals who enjoy having a variety of sexual partners are often using sexual experiences as a substitute for a lacking emotional need. That is not to say that sexual liberation is bad, knowing that you are comfortable with your body is a healthy and wonderful way to feel; convincing yourself that physical desire is the only fulfillment you will ever need from a relationship is often a deception that you will harm you in the long run. Knowing the difference between your body’s natural reaction to stimulation and your own personal feelings can be an excellent way to prevent unpleasant sexual experiences in life.

Finding a comfortable balance between your instincts, feelings and thoughts can help to guide you through the complexity of modern day sexual experiences and their affect on your entire life. Taking the time to discuss these feelings with a person who is close to you may reveal entirely new aspects of your personal feelings regarding sexual and social understanding, while easing a great deal of confusion.  Written by Alison your online dating and relationship advisor; be sure to check out our online dating reviews for more information and to submit your own questions.

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Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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haley · 15 years ago
hey i am gay what do i do??

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