3 Emotions That Feel Like Love But Are Far From It.

Social IssuesRelationship

  • Author Francis Githinji
  • Published October 15, 2008
  • Word count 503

It is actually hard to differentiate between true love and other things that look like it. It is a very tricky emotion. There are some emotions that feel like love but they are far from it. They are superficial feelings. One of them is lust. Lust is another name for love at first sight. It is impossible to love someone you hardly know. When you experience a sudden and strong attraction towards a stranger, it can never be love. Lust feelings are confused for love because the feeling of attraction is so strong and all consuming. Lust is entirely based on fantasy and people end up falling in lust which is so unfortunate as the reality is lost in the excitement.

Physical attraction and passion constitutes every romantic relationship but you should know that true love is usually more than physical attraction. People who are overwhelmed by lust rarely keep their hands off each other. They helplessly talk about each other and also think about each other all the time. Lust is a feeling that brings happiness brought about by passion. If you are young in the field of love such matters of the heart can be very confusing. The same way night differs day so does lust from love. Do not be naive in the matters of the heart lest you live a confused life with emotions that feel like love.

Obsession is among emotions that feels like love but very far from it. It is even more misleading than lust because lust fades away with time as the two partners get to know each other better. For obsession it is very destructive as time makes it worse. It is a crazy feeling because it never leaves your mind and sometimes the more you try the you more you fail. If you invest time, money and all you have in an unhealthy obsessive relationship, the feeling becomes more intense. It is quite easy to lose touch with your real self. The destruction results into a vicious circle of behavior where the victim becomes more and more obsessed. In the cases of unrequited love obsession is a reality.

Among emotions that feel like love is a rebound relationship. This is a relationship that starts immediately after another relationship has ended. The new couple meet to alleviate loneliness and it feels like true love simply because they are dedicated to find and believe in love. They are used to security provided by being in love and that is what they want to secure back. They imagine they are in love while they are actually faking comfort. An old relationship should not interfere with the current relationship and if it happens it might have rebound characteristics. You should start a new relationship when you are sure that all the issues from the past relationships are settled. Unsettled feelings from the past can make a relationship feel like love while it is very far from it. Watch out lest you are caught up in the mix.

Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest ProjectLike Love Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Like Love

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