How The Save My Marriage Plea Can Be Answered

Social IssuesRelationship

  • Author Mark Jordan
  • Published February 10, 2009
  • Word count 641

It is disheartening to see so many marriages on the rocks in today's society. Even worse, it is depressing to see so many of them end up in ugly divorces. If you feel the same way you may be asking yourself "How can I save my marriage?" If you think about it, immediately filing for divorce is not a solution to marriages that have hit bottom. There are better solutions although they require that both partners be committed to saving the marriage and relationship they have. Generally the first good idea is to seek some marriage counseling, so you can get a mediator to hear both sides of the story. Otherwise you may waste precious time simply arguing the same subjects over and over with no resolution.

Seeking professional services is not the only thing that can be done to save a marriage. You can do other things, since really the process of saving a marriage is not that complicated. Generally it only requires that both parties work together toward a common goal. Below we will talk about four things you can do to help your plea of "save my marriage." Understanding these four things will improve your odds of avoiding a divorce.

Whenever two people are brought together, such as in a marriage, there will be problems. You must understand that the perfect marriage does not exist. A few problems in a marriage may even grow so large as to be deal breakers. Even twins differ in their likes and dislikes. Disagreeing with each others is just part of being together. But if you want a successful marriage, a couple must learn to get over the rough spots and solve the problems. Perfection will not be obtained, so don’t try it. Saying to yourself, "save my marriage," can only be fulfilled if you understand that people make mistakes but it is also very possible to overcome any problems.

Secondly you must understand that good communication is vital. We have all heard this dozens of times and it is true. Any marriage that lacks communication will run into problems. Be honest with each other in your communication. Talking it out is vital to solving any problem and you must have confidence that any problem can be solved.

The third thing to consider is accepting compromise. Some may call it the "art of accepting compromise" since many have made it an art. Basically a middle ground has to be reached which enables a conclusion to a conflict. The middle ground has to be accepted by both partners and be in the interest of both, before you will ever resolve the "save my marriage" issue. Marriage is about compromise, and a cry to "save my marriage" will be answered if you realize that a relationship is about give and take on the part of both partners.

Marriage is about commitment, which you hopefully realized before you committed. If a marriage breaks down, like a car can, you don’t just abandon it, since you wouldn’t do that to your car either. Only when all hope is lost should a marriage be abandoned. You can say "save my marriage" all that you want, but you must have the commitment to work toward solving your marital problems if you have any hope of preventing divorce.

There you have four things that can help save your marriage. It is true that sometimes the damage to a marriage is so bad that there is no saving it. Not every problem can be resolved and not every counseling try will work. Divorce may make sense in those cases. But, when that isn't the case divorce is usually not the answer. You can begin to "save my marriage" when you know how to work with your partner in resolving problems, using some of the tips given above.

This is only the beginning. You can learn the complete solutions to saving your marriage and stopping divorce with the resources at Getting an Ex Back. Mark D. Jordan is a writer living in Pennsylvania. More relationship resources are available at

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