Relationship Breakup? Act Now To Rebuild Before It Is Too Late!

Social IssuesRelationship

  • Author Gordon Chandler
  • Published February 26, 2009
  • Word count 691

This will be the "DUH" moment of the day. If you are in a relationship that has failed then you need to take that as an indication that something went wrong! However that only seems like a stupid statement until you look at it again. Of course something went wrong. Determine what it was and fix it Reclaim this love. The problem rested either with you or your loved one. There are only two of you in this relationship (all right three if you count her boy friend!) and actions by one or both of you have caused this breakup.

Whatever the visual issue was there are really only two reasons this relationship went stale enough to breakup. Either you were too heavily invested, or not sufficiently invested in the relationship. Determine which is the culprit and you have basis for rebuilding the relationship. Not enough of you and your lady would feel abandoned and want to get on with her life with another who would "care". Too much of you in her daily life and she would feel strangled and captive to your constant demands. Your job. Decide which type of culprit you were in the love life and reverse your methodology! Have the capability of revamping whichever of these evil ways you practice and love is again in your future.

Have you made that decision? Guess what mister? Valentines Day is approaching. Change and then target that date for relationship success! Concentrate on those things in your control that will renew your ladies interest in you. Maybe one or two of the following points are in your fault zone. Recognize yourself? Then get your act together, however be darned sure you really want to reclaim this relationship. If not then most, if not all, of your actions will be transparent and wasted time.

• Jealousy. If you are a proud owner of a jealous streak then there is probably not a desirable relationship in the world that you will have success in. Banish that green eyed monster from your emotional armory and get on with life. If your lady is with you it probably is because (ready for this?) SHE WANTS TO BE WITH YOU! Some personal attribute drew her to you emotionally and physically. So why in the world would you want to banish yourself from her desires by constantly checking up on her and demanding to know the "who; where; and why’s" of her daily life.

• Lovability. This is when you possibly were not invested enough in the relationship. This should not imply that you were ready for a roll in the hay at the drop of a hat (or pair of panties!). Lovability implies that you have an interest in her life and can demonstrate that interest whenever possible. So pull your pants back up and learn empathy for her daily needs. Hugs and kisses are of vast importance, yet meaningless on a long term if the couple cannot share daily stress and desires and REALLY MEAN IT.

• Cheating. There is minimal chance of either you or your lover cheating on each other if you are sufficiently invested in the relationship. If you are glued to that recliner and refuse to nurture the emotional side of your love life guess what? Off to another set of warm arms she will go. Or possibly you cheat on her? When you first became a couple you could probably not have pried the two of you apart with a crow bar. If you ignore her then she will definitely pull away from you emotionally. Then when you are ready for the kisses and hugs your lady will not be around and … off you go for a "quickie" with the lady down the street. Neither scenario is conducive to a long term love relationship.

So if you have any desire to get your lady back by Valentine’s Day then you need to get busy. Find those personality traits you have that will improve your love life, change them and then get on with the rest of your life. That will be with your lady if you do things correctly!

Get off your duff and get ready to rebuild your love! If you have not figured it all out yet then take a look at Renew Your Love or Make Up Magic

thanks for reading

Gordon chandler

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