Get Back Together With An Ex Boyfriend Using 5 Top Tips

Social IssuesRelationship

  • Author Mark Jordan
  • Published February 27, 2009
  • Word count 676

Like most females, you probably were never really instructed as to how to get an ex boyfriend back. It will certainly not be easy for you and your ex boyfriend to get back together after breakup and it will take time. Not every lady succeeds at getting her ex boyfriend back. Many women simply do not have good advice, and no close friends to help them get through the process. There are good tips that you can follow to help get your ex boyfriend back. These 5 simple tips will help you achieve your goal.

  1. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, if you would like for you and your boyfriend to get back together. You have to become stronger and get your mind back on the right track. You can’t have negative thoughts, but only positive ones.

Negative thoughts are very destructive to the success of anything. That is not the kind of behavior you want. It is understandable that you are depressed and full of emotions right now, but keeping your emotions in check will help you succeed where you never thought it would be possible for you and your ex boyfriend to get back together after breakup.

  1. All the good wishes and prayers you can think of will not bring back the relationship you just broke up from. You have to accept that the old relationship is gone. Things in the past can’t be changed now, so don’t keep thinking about the past.

Don’t expect your relationship to be fixed in a day. Focus on the 'get back together' plan you have now, realizing that the relationship you just had did have problems that needed corrected. That will get you headed in the right direction with your thoughts and give you a good foundation for you and your ex boyfriend to get back together.

  1. Ex boyfriends are usually not fond of ex girlfriends who pester them. So you need to back off for a while even though you may be longing to hear him or see him. This means don’t call, text message, email, go where he hangs out or drive by his place over and over. This will give him time to realize he may have made a mistake by dumping you. Hopefully he will miss you. Don’t ignore this step, or you may not be able to get him back.

  2. Make yourself look good. This is when you want to get some new clothes, put make-up on and do your hair so that you look good physically. You have to force yourself out of your slump so that you can do this. If you need to, lose weight or get your body more in shape. This is a double positive for you in that when you feel good about yourself you will recover quicker and now other guys will notice you more as well as your ex boyfriend, who should be sorry he dumped you by now.

  3. Be patient. The last four tips will set up your ex boyfriend to start missing you and probably he will get in touch with you at this point. Don’t rush the process since you want this to happen the right way so you and your ex boyfriend can get back together in a better way then you were before.

When he sees how good you look and how much more confidence you have, your ex will start missing you and regret that he dumped you. Plus limiting your physical contact with him will drive him crazy too. You don’t want to jump back quickly into your relationship since many times when that happens you end up breaking up again.

These tips are meant to help you and your ex boyfriend to get back together after a breakup. Of course some of them may not be easy for you and you may want to immediately start bugging your ex boyfriend to take you back. But you have to resist that temptation and be patient as you work through these tips.

Mark D. Jordan is a writer and researcher from Pennsylvania. More of the most successful ways to get back together with an ex boyfriend are at Get Ex Boyfriend Back. Other general get your ex back information is at The Get Ex

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