Get Back Together With Ex After Being Dumped By Her

Social IssuesRelationship

  • Author Mark Jordan
  • Published March 7, 2009
  • Word count 608

You probably want to get back together with your ex girlfriend. Maybe she dumped you and so you are thinking she probably doesn't want you back? But if you understand the nature of females you should not think that you have no chance of getting her back, just because she was the one who broke it off.

It is said that 3 out of every 4 breakups are initiated by the woman. As a man you surely know that sometimes women are strange creatures that seem to do things on a whim without really thinking much. Many times an ex girlfriend is very open to reestablishing the relationship because she may later think that she didn’t make the best decision. However, she may be leery of admitting that, so she isn’t going to be the one to initiate getting back together.

As the ex boyfriend you need to figure out what exactly went wrong in the relationship and how you can change it. Was she looking for a flashier guy? Was she bored in the relationship? Maybe you were too needy to her, in which case you need to stay away awhile to prove you aren’t. Show her that you are the kind of man that she does want to date. This will help when you want to get back together with the ex.

Here is something to try. Become an in demand kind of guy. Every female tends to want what their girlfriends want; even though they may proclaim that they want something unique. It usually is not true. Want they really want is what is popular. So in order to make yourself "in demand" try to date some of your ex girlfriend's friends. Doing so will make your ex want you back more than ever. Appear unavailable to her so that she is the one saying, "Hey I'd like to get back together with my ex!"

This gets a bit sneaky sometimes. If you don't feel right dating your ex's friends and you feel you may be giving them a false hope, try just flirting with them when you can. Most people love to flirt. If you see your ex girlfriend out with her friends, one way to fire up her curiosity is to ignore her yet flirt with her friends in plain view of her. That is one really good way to get back together with the ex.

Are you concerned the ex girlfriend isn't going to want you back? Take note as to if she stands up for you if ever you are put down. That is a very good sign she would welcome you back.

When you do want to get back together with the ex you should realize how the power shift has taken place. Most guys keep up the same old habits and don't change their behavior patterns to account for the new power shift. That is incorrect. You are no longer together as one but are now two independent bodies interplaying with each other. Things are different now.

When you want to get back together with the ex you will need to use this power shift to your advantage. You need to become the in demand guy that other girls want to date. Change the things she didn’t like about you so you can get her curiosity back up. Be the man she wants to date.

These are things you can try and if they don’t work then she most likely really has moved on, but in most cases you can get back together with the ex when you learn the basics of how to do it.

Mark D. Jordan is a writer and researcher from Pennsylvania. More ways to get back together with the ex are at Get Ex Girlfriend Back. Other important get your ex back information is at The Get Ex With these resources you should have little problem.

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