Libra And Leo Relationship

Social IssuesRelationship

  • Author James Burgess
  • Published May 12, 2009
  • Word count 1,033

As with all connections, Leo and Libra includes 7 basic life principles: the 7 Words. Personal identity is the first thing, where the central theme of the relationship can be put most simply as: who am I?

Libra And Leo Relationship

As with all connections, Leo and Libra includes 7 basic life principles: the 7 Words. Personal identity is the first thing, where the central theme of the relationship can be put most simply as: who am I? Astrological signs are extremely handy as guidelines about what decisions in life may prove most apt, yet of course in the end what we do we do because it just feels right – not because an astrologer tells us to. We know that there is some coercion from the forces of society, friends, teachers and what our parents want us to be. This has to be resisted if we are to claim the space to be truly unique. It is by our choices that we create who we are. Seeing this in a different way, our sense of self is a hidden feeling, and its expression is our life business, it becomes identified only when these choices are demonstrated through our words and actions.

Libra And Leo Relationship

Second, the quest for knowledge, reaching out beyond the horizons of habit to meet new people, new ideas and new ways to see the world. The studying of symbols in astrology brings us to have contact with ancient archetypes – Neptune, Uranus, Moon and Sun and the rest – and they need to be grasped intuitively as much as through mental patterns or models. We can see them function differently in ourselves and in others and this gives us the possibility to develop more tolerance, and perhaps appreciation for the ways of these other types. Our own viewpoints are as important as anyone else's although they may not always agree with text book astrology, since we have as much right to access the source of knowledge as anyone, the depths of mythology and stories which has ever given rise to the teachings.

Libra And Leo Relationship

Then love. Romantic love between Leo and Libra is favourite, yet the importance of family, village, nation and humanity itself also shows acts of kindness. There are admirable qualities to discover in each of the zodiac signs, even the ones that we find difficult. We learn to see the good bits in others and then in some mysterious subtle way, we develop those qualities in ourselves. Of course it’s true that we have preferences and natural inclinations which are suggested by a detailed study of the natal horoscope. These preferred qualities are shown to the world and become settled aspects of our individuality. Typically we learn to first love our own sign, then next the ones that are familiar and easy for us.

Libra And Leo Relationship

The Hero’s quest. The courageous young man goes forward to take on challenges, either external or internal. The defeating of evil is a metaphor for the battle of light and darkness within one’s own heart. The real task is to learn as much as we can about other signs as well as our own. Life becomes quite a lot more interesting when we have the realization that "not everyone is like us, nor needs to be like us". This can transform our worldview, and therefore move us to take up a new, more vigorous life direction. We can see others differently then, more deeply and without the need to make judgements about good or bad people – although we may have a clearer sense of what we stand for and what we consider good or bad behaviour in ourselves.

Libra And Leo Relationship

Vision Quest. Libra no less than Leo, needs to find answers to deep issues of concern that expand power and wisdom. Each zodiac sign is described by qualities and attributes. We can focus on the negative aspects, if that's our disposition – or we can aspire to express the more positive qualities. Leo can affirm dignity rather than selfish pride; Capricorn can transform anxiety into appropriate caution. Every one of the signs can sparkle with light in its own way when it is properly expressed. We should expect our friends to be like their own sign – not ours! Each sign was seen as a god to the ancients; they saw them as having a sacred dimension; so too can we today.

Libra And Leo Relationship

Another theme that appears in relationship is redemption. Each of us, yearns to be released from the pain of guilt and shame, and this is worked out through atonement. Sometimes we are told "How can I be different? I'm Taurus so I have to be stubborn!", well it’s not true! It’s all too easy to blame the gods for our own shortcomings (Zodiac signs show tendencies, not absolutes). Is Taurus the only practitioner of stubbornness; Pisces – self-pity? Hardly! And what serious astrologer would ever say so? If astrology was a reliable science, then astrologers could predict the future and would be wealthy. They aren’t! However, despite its vagaries, the subject does inspire its students to learn a lot of profound insights and indeed about the heights of spiritual realizations to which each sign points.

Libra And Leo Relationship

In many lives and so often in a loving relationship is the quest for the absolute. This can take the form of spiritual ascendancy, seclusion, surrender and death, a final acknowledgement of the unity of all life. Society, fearful of the hidden desires lurking in us all, has created its taboos. It thus reinforces the repression of energies that really are healthier if released with awareness. Astrology is not shy. It speaks of the dark side and gets people to become more honest about our failings, to accept them as normal and to work with them. In this way we can learn to come to terms with our dragons, to make peace with them, tame their excesses and be neither slave nor master to them, but more like co-workers. When this is done we find that the light bubbles up into joy and the darkness into enduring wisdom of personal experience.

Free Questionnaires and Mini Courses are available on the 7 Words website (, interactive fun with the "satisfaction index calculator" at and free seminars are offered for participants at the UK alternative family holiday experience of Unicorn Camps (

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