I Am Still Madly In Love With My Ex and I Want Them Back

Social IssuesRelationship

  • Author Mark Jordan
  • Published June 6, 2009
  • Word count 598

At the breakup of a long term relationship or marriage there are many who are still thinking to themselves, "I'm still in love with my ex." This is common, so you are not alone in your thinking. You probably still have some hope that you can get them back. Even if things seem bleak right now and hope is little, it does not mean you can’t get your ex back. Not only can you get them back, but the relationship can be stronger than ever. But, when you find that you are saying, "I'm still in love with my ex", and you are longing to get your relationship back you will have to make it stronger if it has more of a chance to last.

Be careful in your anxiousness to get your lover back. For those impatiently declaring "I'm still in love with my ex" you may be too quick to turn back the hands of time. You may get what you ask for now, but if done incorrectly you may have the same final results that you experienced before.

The best place to begin is at ground zero. Take the time to figure out what mistakes were made in the previous relationship and also how the mistakes had an impact on the relationship. This will begin the process of building a stronger love than was present before. Starting all over again from scratch is the way to get back the one you love. You have to behave smarter this second time around, so tell yourself, "Yes, I'm still in love with my ex, but I want it to be better this time around."

Let your renewed relationship happen naturally, and not in a contrived manor. Start up a friendship with your ex first, but take it slowly. If your ex feels that you are just trying to jump back into the relationship and things will be no different, than getting back together may not happen. It's an age old saying, but if you are supposed to be together than it will happen.

You may experience a lot of crying and depression after your breakup but don’t let your ex see it. Try your best to think positively as well. Most plans only succeed if you think positively. Acting depressed to your ex is more of a turn off than not. They probably would think "I don’t want that in my life." But, if they sense you are actually happy they will be curious as to what is going on, and re-think the breakup.

Ask yourself, "What type of person would I like to be with?" Would your ex like to be with that type as well? The majority of people want to hang around happy people who can create happiness in other's lives too. That is the type of person you will want to be. Try to be someone that is in a good mood, can make others smile and can make a person feel they are wanted in life. Make your ex feel special to you.

You will be able to get your ex back and regain that love again if you can make yourself valuable to your ex. As well you want to make them feel needed by you. A balance of both is necessary. It is one thing to say, "I'm still in love with my ex", but unless you take your time in building a stronger foundation than you had before you will not be able to get the love you had back as well as a stronger relationship.

The positively perfect ways to get an ex back are at Get Ex Back. Ways to prevent a breakup or win a love back are at Save My Relationship. The author, Mark D. Jordan, is a writer and researcher from Pennsylvania, USA.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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