I Dumped My Boyfriend Too Quickly And Now I Want Him Back

Social IssuesRelationship

  • Author Mark Jordan
  • Published June 29, 2009
  • Word count 572

Perhaps you were in the middle of dating a guy, who became your full time boyfriend, and then he did some things you didn’t like and now you have dumped him. This happens to some women on occasion when they simply can't take the little actions or habits their boyfriend repeatedly had. But have you really come to a deeper understanding of why you dumped your boyfriend? Do you want him back now?

You may have broken up with your boyfriend for something as mundane as the way he walked or laughed. Maybe you didn’t like how he smiled or the way he ate food. Were you too quick to make a decision and now you are regretting letting him go? Now you want him back but all that you have tried has failed. Maybe you have been out with other guys since and you realize your ex boyfriend wasn't so bad. Now your ex boyfriend wants nothing to do with you and seems to have moved on. How do you go about getting him back?

The first thing you need to look at is how much you are leaving him alone. Have you been texting him or calling him constantly thinking he will take you back that way? You probably are bugging him too much which may be why he isn't answering you back. A dumped boyfriend is usually humiliated and could be angry with you. This means you should leave him alone a while to get over his pain.

Take the opposite approach and let him have his space so he can think. At the same time you should be thinking of the real reasons you dumped your boyfriend. Was it more than just the little things?

Hopefully you were not one of those girls who was trying to test your boyfriend by dumping him. Some ladies try to see if their boyfriend will come after them once they are dumped. This is very bad behavior and you should not have done it. Why would you want to hurt the self-esteem of someone whom you have feelings for by acting out a breakup?

Usually all that type of behavior implies is that you have low self-esteem yourself. Manipulating someone in an extreme way shows low esteem or confidence issues. If you have these you should work them out before doing anything. Self-esteem is your real self. If you feel you are telling yourself too much that you aren’t good enough for him or you have too many negative thoughts about your worth, then you have self-esteem issues that you need to address before you can be really happy getting back with your ex boyfriend.

So you may have to work on yourself to get back a dumped boyfriend. He probably doesn't want you back if you are going to be high maintenance or he feels you have self-esteem issues and will dump him again. Make sure before you try to get him back that you are 100 percent sure what you are looking for and why.

Even before you do all of this, why not take a look at your relationship before you dump the guy you are with. Talking to him about changes or fears might alleviate any insecurity you have. Good communications are important. Things will work out much better if you are truthful with him and don’t simply dump your boyfriend on a whim.

You can download information to get back an ex boyfriend at Get Boyfriend Back. Learn more about saving a relationship at Save my Relationship. The author, Mark D. Jordan, writes and researches from Pennsylvania, USA.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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