Be Prepared But Unafraid In An Intense Scorpio Relationship

Social IssuesRelationship

  • Author Mark Jordan
  • Published August 18, 2009
  • Word count 643

If you have found yourself in a Scorpio relationship you better be prepared to be brave. Don’t get me wrong, Scorpios are very loyal and can make wonderful companions, but in the heat of things when times might be tough you may end up being the one who gets fiercely stung.

Scorpios love to be the one controlling their environment and are the take charge kind

of person in any relationship. So you have to be tough and not give in on everything they want. You must understand a Scorpio's nature and then you will know why they seem to want to take the lead with everything that is going on.

This does not mean you can’t feel the need to ever take charge of anything. You will need to bravely express yourself when you want to do so. In this way you will actually win your Scorpio's admiration, because aside from being natural leaders themselves, they also love it when someone else shows moxie and drive. Scorpios may want to take over everything but they lack determination and toughness many times. Show that and you can get on their good side.

Scorpios are attracted to a challenge, so it is wise for you to play hard to get sometimes. Just don’t go overboard as they may eventually think you are not interested in them, and that would be a turnoff for them.

You don’t want to heat things up too much in a relationship with a Scorpio, but you do want to keep it interesting enough to keep them excited. Assert yourself at times but not overly so. Scorpios are not necessarily aggressive so they like to win people over by diplomatic means more often. If you are too resistant to them too often, it will cause an argumentative relationship.

On a positive side Scorpios are usually generous partners and good loyal companions. They may even be slow to temper. But this sign of the sun person will get madly temperamental if pushed too long. It will not be a pretty sight when a Scorpio finally does get angry. They may seethe beneath their skin for a long time.

Some, but not many, Scorpios are of the forgiving type. This means if you mess up your relationship with them they most likely will hold a grudge for along time, if not forever. After a breakup if you were to talk to them again they usually will bring up all the wrong things you did that ended the relationship. You will feel like the entire breakup was your fault. Scorpios usually find it hard to forget and forgive.

One frustrating Scorpio tendency that you may encounter is this. They may be stomping around angry and you may have no clue what is wrong. When you ask what the problem is they may respond, "Can't you figure it out?" This is just them assuming you know what has been on their mind.

If you have broken up with a Scorpio but manage to win him or her back you should keep in mind their personality. A Scorpio will assume you should be able to read their thoughts in every situation. Keep that in mind, and all the things in this article, when dealing with them if you want the relationship to work.

The only way to make things easier in this relationship situation is to let your Scorpio partner know that they need to communicate better when something is on their mind. Let them know you are not a mind reader. On your part you will have to be a very good listener and observer. You'll need the ability to second-guess potential problems. If your Scorpio is not willing to work with you in your relationship it will be hard to get it to work out in the long run.

Learn how to get any kind of ex back at Win Ex Back. Practical ideas on saving a relationship can be found at Save Our Relationship. The author, Mark D. Jordan writes and researches from Pennsylvania, USA.

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