Relationship Rescue: 4 Things You Must Know to Solve Relationship Problems

Social IssuesRelationship

  • Author Lori Prokop
  • Published March 31, 2006
  • Word count 616

You may disagree, but hear me out on this. The world is full of people who live miserable lives because of fears. It affects all their relationships: family, romantic, casual, business.

Spouses fear each other. Children fear parents and teachers. Employees fear bosses. People stay in abusive relationships because of fear.

If a person is afraid or experiencing an inferiority complex, they will commonly attack others, either verbally or, less often, physically. If you see someone writing harmful or hurtful words about another, you can rest assured the writer is fearful and feeling inferior.

Here is the Lori Prokop Relationship Advice which will provide most any relationship help.

Lori Prokop Relationship Rescue #1:

Can a relationship problem be solved by guiding another who feels shy, afraid or inferior to healing? Relationship rescue could happen when people discover healthy ways to feel better and improve their view of themselves.

You can be guaranteed in every group there are those who suffer from the inferiority complex. You may be surprised to discover who they are. Often they are the loudest talkers and strongest attackers who use this behavior to cover up their own inferior feelings.

Identify a person feeling an inferiority complex and show him or her kindness — while staying out of an abusive relationship. This will help that person feel better while helping you feel better too.

Lori Prokop Relationship Rescue #2:

Be your real self. You are unique and valuable, just as you are right now. You are the only one of you that exists. Do not imitate or try to be like others. This is a sure sign of weakness and inferiority complex.

Solve your relationship problem by being yourself and make your own heart-based decisions.

Lori Prokop Relationship Rescue #3:

Choose 100% Pure Love. Now that may sound too airy-fairy for you. After all, you may be a “professional” with an image to uphold. You may be a tough person who fears appearing weak by choosing to live at the upper levels of your Life Guidance System.

The strongest, most successful people, who help the world the most, have chosen to live at the highest level of their Life Guidance System, which is 100% pure light and love.

But isn’t that out of reach for most “average” people? How could anyone really live a day-to-day life and choose 100% pure love?

The strongest people have realized learning to love others immediately resolves fear. Love casts out fear. You don’t have to love what others do. It means you love them, as they are with all their flaws and weaknesses. You love others even when they are at their worst. It doesn’t mean you say their pathetic behavior is acceptable to you. Rather, it says regardless of how pathetic or lost a person is, they are worthy of love. It is a being of love you energetically send to another rather than co-dependent love.

This being of love gives you inner strength. The more you generate genuine love for others, the less you will feel inferior in their presence. The easier your relationship with them will feel to you, even whether it stays or ends.

Lori Prokop Relationship Rescue #4:

Pray for your enemies. The greatest of leaders do this. It doesn’t mean these great leaders do not act to resolve issues. Rather, before acting, they send intentions of 100% pure love to their enemies.

After all, those causing relationship problems were to “find the light” and stop the harmful, destructive behavior, the relationship problem would resolve. Great leaders want situations resolved.

Send healing energy to your enemies with the intentions they will choose higher level, more loving emotions and stop their destructive patterns. It actually and amazingly works.

Learn how to heal abuse, resolve conflict without giving in, have more love and create what you want. Free Report at plus 3 FREE ebooks manifest abundance ($87 value) from Lori Prokop at

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