This is why I think they ought to legalise prostitution and brothels.

Social IssuesSexuality

  • Author Tomas Cot
  • Published May 9, 2010
  • Word count 507

Recent research in America has shown that the current law for prostitution moves the prostitutes and pimps onto the streets. As a result, streets are rampant with street soliciting and public take the burden of these policies. The main harmful side effect of this approach is that the girls are putting themselves in a lot of danger on the streets. These working prostitutes are preyed upon by sickos such as sex attackers or worse still, murderers or serial killers. A possible solution to this dilemma would be to copy some European cities such as Berlin or Prague. Over there they have specialized vice areas in order to contain the activity and reduce criminality in residential areas. Plus, maybe most importantly, the prostitutes their selves are far secure than street prostitutes.

One of the biggest problems with street soliciting is that it tends to breed a life of drug abuse for many prostitutes. Young women end up hooked because getting convicted for soliciting makes it virtually impossible to find decent employment. Also though, its sometimes the case that many start taking hard drugs when they are young and they look to prostitution to finance their habit. With soliciting being criminalised, criminals like muggers or sex attackers view working girls as soft targets to commit their crimes. Working girls usually will not report it when being assaulted or robbed for fear of getting arrested themselves. If prostitution was made legitimate more women would report crime because they would not be putting their selves in danger of getting arrested. The result would mean more criminals would get arrested for their crimes. Plus, it would remove the illegitimate safe havens within the current unofficial red light zones. European cities are a perfect example of this. Though its not ideal. It is far more successful then American approach.

In Nevada State, soliciting is legal and after studying, sociologists concluded that this helps to massively reduce street crime. If this is true, then there’s no grounds to continue criminalising prostitution and brothels. When poor people are attempting to make a living in order to keep their home, soliciting could save them from absolute desperation. Often it can be the only way to stop the loss of houses and, or other property and items. At the other end of the scale, you have women who live fairly comfortable lives and work as escorts because they enjoy meeting the people. Some will have improved lives on the cash they make doing so. So why oppress them. Customers have as much right to legal prostitution as well. For the majority of people that use prostitutes, they are law abiding people and very friendly. Many of them find it hard to get into relationships or they’ve experienced bad luck with a previous relationship.

As we come to the end of this article I guess the message is simple. Legalised prostitution would help minimise street crime and it will certainly improve the conditions for prostitutes. Then they should legalise it and set out some workable guidelines.

The author of this article, Tomas Cot works through a professional escort services . To get additional information's concerning prostitution in Europe look on this other article regarding Paris escort services.

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