Astrology commentary: sparkling evaluation of gemini and aquarius

Social IssuesRelationship

  • Author James Burgess
  • Published May 13, 2010
  • Word count 655

Obviously not all of the teachings in astrology works - otherwise surely astrologers would be well-off, and they're not! - yet some of it does. We can get important information about sexual relationships by investigating the deeper ideas that astrology is based on.

Astrology commentary: sparkling evaluation of gemini and aquarius

Here’s the beginner’s quick guide to astrology. Some signs are seen as ‘positive’, some ‘negative’, according to the elements: fire, earth, air or water. We can also say that some are ‘fixed’, others ‘cardinal', and some ‘mutable’, describing their quality, or how they respond to the circumstances they meet: resisting change, initiating change or influencing change. Further, each of the signs is said to have a ruler, its guiding planet that is thought to be the one that most deeply affects it.

Astrology commentary: sparkling evaluation of gemini and aquarius

When considering how two signs get along, called synastry by astrologers, these factors are primary. Two positive or two negative usually work very well, although the cross-mix can be something of a challenge at times, since extroverts and introverts have different needs and attitudes. For the qualities, we suggest that it is better if they are not the same; so for example mutable is better with either fixed or cardinal, especially if they are cross-mixed in their elements.

Astrology commentary: sparkling evaluation of gemini and aquarius

Gemini is a positive air sign of mutable quality, ruled by Mercury. Aquarius is a positive air sign of fixed quality, ruled by Uranus. So with the relationship between Gemini and Aquarius we have positive and positive – which is encouraging and mutable with fixed – which is a good sign. At first glance, therefore, all in all things look very optimistic.

Astrology commentary: sparkling evaluation of gemini and aquarius

What does it mean when we say that Gemini is ruled by Mercury? Aquarius is ruled by Uranus? What are rulerships? Well, leaving aside more esoteric wisdom, we can simply put that Gemini easily exhibits Mercury’s qualities such as astuteness, learning and cunning. Equally Aquarius has a more Uranus like manner of operation, showing freedom, eccentricity and originality.

Astrology commentary: sparkling evaluation of gemini and aquarius

The rulerships can give us a real clue as to how a couple will settle into the mutuality of expressing themselves. As he shows learning or intellect, she responds with individuality or, as she might display thinking then he could respond with rebellion and fickleness – according to the situation and individuals involved. When things are working well, words like electrified, amazed and refreshed may apply, and on a bad day it may be better to use descriptions like bad, spiritless and sleepy.

Astrology commentary: sparkling evaluation of gemini and aquarius

As a general rule, each will hope to receive from the other a way to express acceptance, inclusion, appreciation and confirmation that a positive contribution has been made. Also each of us needs a degree of autonomy and the integrity to live out our own values so we get a sense of authenticity and individuality.

Astrology commentary: sparkling evaluation of gemini and aquarius

To relate this to the 7 Words Self-Realization Method, we can say first that there are 7 primary words: no hello thanks goodbye please sorry and yes that together cover every aspect of life and - in this case - particularly relationship. When you know how to focus on them, everything can become a lot clearer. Typically Gemini is expected to be a lot stronger with Hello than they are with Thanks. Aquarius will probably shine with Goodbye and be not so good with Thanks.

Look on the 7 Words web site (see below) for info, on all the combinations, which tells you about your personal strengths and weaknesses. This awareness is so useful if you want to make improvements in the difficult areas of your life. Somehow everything becomes so much easier to fix when you know what’s wrong.

You get excellent free personality profiles and a free monthly newsletter at the 7 Words website (, and you'll find a link to your own more specific astrological combination at

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