Some Simple Remedies for Menstrual Problem

Social IssuesWomen's Issues

  • Author Amaris Brown
  • Published June 4, 2010
  • Word count 498

women's health worldwide is the commonness of the menstrual cycle. It is a natural part of being female and miraculous function of the reproductive cycle.

The most positive aspect of the menstrual cycle, of course, is the ability to become pregnant and give birth. The negative aspects have to do with the pain, discomfort and mood alteration.

Menstrual cramps and pre-menstrual tension-Have you ever felt angry, depressed and nervous? Even his heart seems complete and no swelling of the lower extremities? Sometimes you may have headaches or insomnia. You may wonder what's wrong? Well these are due to hormonal changes and imbalances.

A monthly period can be considered a problem if it interferes with their regular activities. The bleeding can also be very uncomfortable. A variety of pads and tampons on the market today should be able to allow a woman to maintain their way of life remains normal, however.

Amenorrhea means simply the absence of the menstrual cycle. Amenorrhea may be primary, primary or secondary amenorrhea: refers to menstruation those who have never started. Secondary amenorrhea refers to menstruation has stopped due to some factors for 6 months or more.

Dysmenorrhea is more common among women. It is defined as painful menstruation. Normal menstruation that happens to be painful is known as primary dysmenorrhoea, while secondary dysmenorrhoea refers to pain due to recurrent reproductive diseases such as endometriosis. In primary dysmenorrhea, it is believed that the muscles of the uterus gets squeezed and contracted more than normal to cope with the garrison insensitive. These contractions may also alter blood flow to the uterus, exacerbating the pain. Women of any age can have annoying periods and some women find that the rules and are not painful, once again your pregnancy is delivery.

Red Raspberry - Red Raspberry is known to strengthen the uterus, helps to reduce menstrual flow and relaxes muscles. Take as a tea and a drink or two cups per day.

Licorice Root - Used in ancient Chinese medicines for female reproductive problems, this herb helps water retention and control of breast tenderness. It also decreases the symptoms associated with the fluctuation of hormones that occurs at menopause.

Asoka tree's bark is given to women who have blood loss during menstruation due to extreme vaginal discharge or uterine fibroids. The plant has a stimulating effect on the uterine wall and the mucus layer in the reproductive tract.

Bamboo acts as an emmenagogue that stimulates menstruation. Its leaves are prescribed for this purpose. Regular consumption of bamboo leaves is prescribed to promote and regulate menstrual flow.

Papaya-For easy flow of papaya fruit is very good. Both ripe and green papaya is useful.

Ginger-for painful periods and ginger proper menstrual flow may be very effective in relieving ingredients. Ginger can be taken by the addition of a fresh piece crushed in water and boil. Sugar can be added for flavor to the mix and is consumed after a meal three times a day. Regular consumption can be very useful.

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