
How to Uncover Your Confidence Matrix
By Carmen Gilfillan · 2 months ago
According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, confidence is defined as “firm trust; a feeling of reliance or certainty; a sense of self reliance; boldness”. From this, we can deduce that confidence is about certainty, reliance ...
How Magda Kay Left Her Corporate Career and Became an Intimacy Expert
By Olivia Stern · 2 months ago
A journey from the hyper-logical existence of the mind to the subtler explorations of the heart. Magda was 24, sipping champagne on a Milan rooftop after finishing a long and busy week of work at ...
How to Flip Your Thinking to Change Your Results
By Carmen Gilfillan · 2 months ago
How can we flip our thinking to see the positive side of life? A positive attitude towards our successes or failures in life is, according to Brian Tracy and W Clement Stone, not only about ...
Three Steps to Eliminating Beliefs That Limit You
By Carmen Gilfillan · 2 months ago
In a quote from the book, The Inner Rising, it says "Our belief systems act as filters through which we see the world and which influence the "spin" we put on our lives". This quote ...
Transformation & Transcendence
By Kyle Toon · 2 months ago
Seeking truth from the expression of natural processes illuminates the metaphysical complexities that surround humanity, yet simplistically attributable to understanding human potential and possibility. For instance, the pre and postnatal processes speak to high volumes ...
The 3B Method For Lowering Your Stress Response
By Carmen Gilfillan · 2 months ago
As we go through our lives, there may be times when we’re challenged, and that challenge can result in us feeling under stress. We may, automatically, assume that the stress we’re experiencing is bad. The ...
The Journey to Self-Love: Embracing Your Inner Worth
By Carla Corelli · 3 months ago
Self-love is the foundational block upon which we build a life of contentment, resilience, and authenticity. It's about acknowledging our value as individuals, treating ourselves with kindness, and not being overly critical about our flaws. ...
Is Laser Eye Surgery A Permanent Fix?
By D. J. Irvine · 3 months ago
Is Laser Eye Surgery A Permanent Fix? In the new world of medical science, few advancements have revolutionised the landscape of vision correction as profoundly as laser eye surgery. Over the past few decades, this ...
Gaslighting Tactics Exposed: Strategies for Combatting Psychological Abuse
By Carla Corelli · 3 months ago
Gaslighting is a dangerous form of psychological manipulation that can leave victims feeling confused, isolated, and doubting their own sanity. This insidious strategy of abuse can occur in various settings, including personal relationships, professional environments, ...
Time Is Collapsing
By Robert Hall · 3 months ago
This is really amazing, I recently entered a writing contest on a site for authors. The contest had 5 themes to choose from. I chose “Write a story from the point of view of a ...
Achieve Your Goals Faster and Easier with SEPTEMICS
By Jim Marshall · 3 months ago
Achieve Your Goals Faster and Easier with SEPTEMICS by Jim Marshall, B.S. Isaac Asimov, in his famous Foundation trilogy, imagined a future in which a science of the mind could accurately predict human events. This ...
Why Ignoring Feelings Harms Kids and Adults: Discover the Antidote
By Elizabeth Dausch · 3 months ago
The Wall Street Journal recently ran an article called “Stop Constantly Asking Your Kids How They Feel” by Abigail Shrier. My letter to the editor was published the following week. I thought many of the ...
Why Psychiatrists Email Lists Are Essential for Healthcare Marketers
By Martin Taylor · 3 months ago
Psychiatrists play an important role in mental health care, diagnosing and treating various mental illnesses and disorders. As such, targeting this specialized segment of medical professionals requires precision and strategic outreach. This article explores why ...
Daily Reflection: Cultivating Mindfulness Through Journaling
By Carla Corelli · 4 months ago
Journaling is a simple yet powerful way to connect with your inner self, thoughts, and emotions. In addition, it acts as a conduit for mindfulness by encouraging a deliberate focus on the present moment. By ...
How can I incorporate my spiritual beliefs into my daily life and routines? This is 100 tips.
By Bollo Ludo · 3 months ago
Hello, Greetings! I go by the name Bollo, and I've reached the age of 54. Throughout my life, I've encountered both positive and negative experiences. However, for the past decade, I've been leading a contented ...
3 Key Steps to Lasting Change
By Carmen Gilfillan · 3 months ago
If you want to improve how you take care of yourself, change how you think so that your perspective becomes a more positive one, and boost your own self-confidence, belief, and esteem, there are three ...
Quantum Behavioral Psychology: The new frontier in mental health.
By Brad Stevenson, Psyd · 3 months ago
Introduction: Quantum Behavioral Psychology is an innovative approach that aims to integrate the principles of quantum mechanics and quantum physics into mental health practices. This program recognizes the interconnectedness of mind, body, and the quantum ...
A Take On Recovery
By Steven Desrosier · 4 months ago
A Take on Recovery A personal view on recovery, 12-step programs, atheism and life afterward I am not a counselor or therapist. I hold no clinical certifications, and I don’t provide direct treatment services to ...
How to be Productive According to the Bible
By Matthew Burgon-Parr · 4 months ago
Depending on your line of work, you may feel that the business world’s current obsession with ‘increased productivity’ is giving you ‘productivity anxiety’. In economic terms, increased productivity is always seen as a good thing: ...
11 Lucrative AI Side Hustles from Home to Start Making $100+ a Day
By Jim Corn · 4 months ago
Introduction In today's fast-paced world, many individuals are seeking ways to make extra income from the comfort of their own homes. The rise of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and data science has opened up ...