Find my purpose. Life's purpose like in The Purpose Driven Life.


  • Author Pj Mcclure
  • Published June 19, 2010
  • Word count 861

One of the questions that I am asked more frequently than any other is, "how do I find my purpose."

The first thing I want people to understand whenever we work together is that purpose isn't something that you find. Purpose is something that you determine, so the question should be, "how do I determine my purpose?"

Purpose is misunderstood and misused all of the time. It's normally thought of in the scope of our life's purpose, but what I want to challenge you on is that purpose is far more fundamental and not nearly as mysterious as we want to make it. The bottom line, is that your purpose is nothing more than your "why," and that could be for anything. What do you want to get out of this is the question. The answer to that, well... that's your purpose.

Your job, your weekend trip to the coast your dinner with friends, your college career your participation in a softball league... I don't care. Each one of those deserves a purpose.

Why? Because when you have a purpose, a real why for what you're doing, your mind tunes into it. You begin to recognize spaces and opportunities to accomplish your purpose. Decisions almost disappear because there's really no decision to be made whenever the way in front of you is so obvious. When your mind is tuned into your purpose, what you really want to get out of something, you recognize what you need to do right away and you can just move that direction.

Now, when you set a goal, why are you setting it? What do you really hope to get out of it?

New Year's resolutions are probably the best example to get people to realize what I'm talking about. Let's take weight loss as an obvious example. You want to lose 20 pounds, why? Well, there's a reason that most New Year's resolutions are cast by the wayside by January 15.

There's no real purpose behind it. The why is simply not strong enough to carry somebody through his or her old habits. You have to tap into the emotional fuel that drives you through the rough patches and helps us make better decisions.

You have to know why and to get there, be a child again by asking why. Be a three year old. They're the best ones at asking why. It's fun and it's necessary to ask yourself why. to really dig in. To be honest with yourself about what it is you want out of something.

When you reach the point that, the answer makes your gut turns, your throat tightens up, and your eyes well up... you've made it!

Go back to the question of weight loss. Why do I want to lose 20 pounds? Well, I want to be healthier. So why is being healthier more important to you?

Well, if I'm healthier then I can be more active? Well, why is being more active important to you?

If I can be more active then I won't be as afraid to get out there and do things. I won't be conscious about how I look or what I'm doing. Just being able to participate and enjoy it more. Well, why is that important to you?

Well, if I'm not conscious about doing things, if I am free to just go out and do the things that I want to when I want to... I can spend more time with my kids. I can do the things that are fun for them and important to them. Okay that's great, now why is that important to you?

If I can participate with my kids and do all the things that I want to do with them... then I won't have years of regret. I won't have all the weight on my mind of missing out on all of the things that I could've done with them. The parts of their life that I missed out on because I was caught up in my own self conscious nonsense. If I am in shape, if I lose the weight, if I can be more active... I can create memories with my kids that not only will I remember forever, but they'll be telling their kids about.

Yeah! That's a reason important enough to be your purpose.

Now that's not the same for everybody. That one's for me. But go five deep, ask yourself "why" five times. Why is this important?
Why is this important?
Why is this important and what you'll find is you'll get to that spot that you've got something that's important enough to be your purpose.

Now if you like the idea of being able to-not just find, but determine your purpose and actually put it to use for you to understand how you can use it on a daily basis. I've got ten videos I'd like for you to have that talk about purpose and all of the other elements that can really help you achieve lasting success. To get them, just go to\tenfree. Drop your email address in the box there, I'll give you access to them right away.

Expert author and speaker in the art and science of successful living, PJ McClure has studied, interviewed, and coached 1,000's of people to learn one thing: what is life's purpose and how do I find my purpose? Now he shares the answer to that question in this video. PJ exposes the misunderstanding about life's purpose and to find yours.

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