Technical Translations Are Growing Quickly
Reference & Education → Language
- Author Steve Greenwood
- Published September 3, 2010
- Word count 566
Technical Translations are growing in popularity as businesses become more global. The need for technical documents to be translated exists from every industry and shows no sign of decreasing.
The demand for technical translations is witnessing a huge growth in recent months. Technical translations are not like your conventional general translation. It is much more than that. To put simply, it is the skill to translate complex technological and scientific terminology from the original language to another target language. A good example is to translate a Toyota car user manual written in Japanese to an English version while still preserving the accuracy of technical terms.
Technical translations are not limited only to car user manuals but are extends to multiple industries mainly involved with sciences. As globalisation takes place, it is no longer foreign or alien to see overseas businesses coming to our shores bringing with them new gadgets and toys. However, before they can sell them to us, we need to understand the functions of their products. To that end, we will need technical translations to provide the explanation in our own language.
Four Main Industries In Need Of Technical Translations Services
There are four main areas of exponential growth in demand for a technical translation in recent years. Firstly, in the consumer electronics sector that produces vast amounts of mobile phones, LCD televisions and computer monitors. The key players in manufacturing electronic goods are Asian countries such as Japan, China, Thailand and Korea. All of their product specifications have to go through a translation before entering the UK and USA market. Many of these manufacturers do not mind pouring in vast amounts of money to ensure everything translated passes the stringent standards set down by the EU and American government.
The second sector demanding for language translation is information technology (IT). Their growth revolves mainly around software applications. Many software developers write superior code for the programme, but they typically fail at implementing it to the world audience due to the programmers’ limited language skills. Therefore, many software programmers will hire technical translator to help them to localise their software interface to a foreign language. Furthermore, mobile phone application builders are also jumping on to the band wagon to ensure that their iPhone or Google Android application can be understood and used by global audiences.
The pharmaceutical industry is the next on the list to seek technical translation services. It is extremely vital that drug descriptions are absolutely accurate as it is a matter of life or dead of a patient. The EU and the USA governments have already laid down very strict rules and regulations to ensure that all pharmaceutical companies provide their translation to the highest standard on their drug descriptions. All of the drug applications have to provide this when sent in for approval to the Health Ministry. Therefore, highly qualified translators who have a chemistry and/or biology background are in great demand.
Last but not least, the automotive industry. With the ever increasing world population, people are only going to need greater and different forms of transportation to ferry them from one place to another. All automotive manufacturers invest huge sums of money to make sure that their maintenance manuals and user manuals are all accurately translated.
According to those observations, we would expect to see the growth in demand for technical translations to continue for the considerable future.
Prime Languages specialise in Technical Translations. We use only Certified Translators who are Technical Experts in their field for Translating documents.
Article source: https://articlebiz.comRate article
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