How to Employ a Teacher in Latin America

Reference & EducationLanguage

  • Author Mari Palma
  • Published April 7, 2013
  • Word count 591

There are several fundamental steps to hiring teachers to work in Latin America and they're covered below.

First you will want to start out writing a appropriate teacher work description that gives applicants a great concept of what you're looking for and what your expectations are. Here are some common areas that you can cover.

What are they teaching? Can it be math, English or something different?

Exactly what kind of students will they be teaching? You can indicate groups but it’s also a good suggestion to list out student age ranges since the grade terms & ages might be different across different nations.

Where will they be teaching? It is not only city but local community and environment. If you have a good school with a great reputation don’t be afraid to brag about it. Teachers are sometimes scared regarding a new school so that you can go a long way to make them feel at ease with the school and commute. It is true that this does not matter to many teachers however, you will also find that the caliber of applicant you receive goes up tremendously the greater amount of ‘life, character & honesty’ that you placed into the job ad.

What exactly do you really need? What is just ‘good to have’? Typically schools result in overlooking qualified teachers with potential because the job description they write is too narrow. They have in their mind a perfect candidate but it’s often better to speak with educators with potential who are able to grow in your school program in the long run.

Simply how much experience is really required? Once again it is quite easy to just say ‘experienced’ but you should think carefully regarding what that number of years means compared to a talented teacher who had excellent experience or perhaps is just very talented at classroom management.

Now that you have an excellent teacher job advertisement you are able to switch over to distribution. Your best option is to find a few relevant job sites and place advertisements there. You could try to recruit yourself directly but often ends up being more successful. A well-written ad on a popular teaching job forum will produce a high number of prospects. If you want to be more selective then just placing 2 or 3 ads should give you more than enough people.

If you are searching to employ teachers locally in your country then it’s also easy & free to post an employment on ad on the local craigslist education portion. That could provide you with more volume in certain countries but since it’s free isn’t really a big deal.

When you are reviewing prospective educators, look closely at the cover letter. Any teacher, particularly English teachers, should take the time & care to create a strong resume cover letter. If they skip over this portion then you can be assured that they applied to many jobs before yours and don’t possess any serious interest in the school.

After you’ve made certain that they are 1) considering your school 2) able to write a good cover letter and 3) meet your minimum requirements, it’s time for the interview. It’s a good idea to invite a number of teachers to interview that you expect just to ensure there aren’t any ‘stars’ whom you overlook simply because they don’t have much experience. Finally, don’t be reluctant to do short Skype interviews to help you work through a number of candidates quickly without spending cash on travel.

Mari Palma is a solid RTW traveler who works to help teachers find jobs and take on new adventures. If you are looking to hire teachers in Latin America then you can post a teaching job ad easily & quickly to find the best candidates.

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