Italian courses for foreigners in Italy: some suggestions for beginners

Reference & EducationLanguage

  • Author Ilaria Sabrini
  • Published December 26, 2013
  • Word count 520

Learning a new language and facing communication problems is the very first thing that every expat normally does. Language is the most important tool to live, because it is basic to understand people, make new friends, find a job, create new relationships and contacts with new people. It is also important to completely enjoy the place you are living in.

Here you are with a list of simple (but useful) suggestions dedicated to foreigner expats in Italy.

  1. The very first thing you should do is choosing the best class among all the Italian courses for foreigners in Italy. You can learn the most important words and the most used expressions by reading a grammar book, or watching videos on Youtube channels dedicated to the Italian language, but to thoroughly learn it, the first step is studying the grammar structures in a qualified school.
    1. Before enrolling in a school, verify that its teaching method is based on "360 degrees communication". In other words, it should propose you lessons to improve all the

four fundamental functions of the language: listening, speaking, reading and

writing. Particular attention should be given to conversation, in order to develop and improve students’ skills to express themselves and communicate in Italian from the

beginning of the course. It is natural that you have to study rules of grammar (to form sentences) and syntax (to create a significant speech). These rules are fundamental to learn the language, but at the same time they are not enough for really handle the conversation.

    1. Before enrolling at one of the Italian courses for foreigners in Italy, check what kind of studying materials are given by the school to the enrolled students.

Textbooks are not sufficient and to improve and learn a new language there are many other important materials, such as: DVDs, audio files, slides, videos, newspapers and magazines, films, but also literary books and songs. If the schools provides you at least some of these educational materials, it is a good institute. Otherwise, it is better you look for another school. To know the Italian culture and communicate with local people, it is very important to watch films, read literary books, listen to the colloquial expressions and understand the local lifestyle. But that is not all, because knowing a new culture is also an opportunity to overcome the most popular and trivial common places about Italy and the Italians.

    1. Another important aspect you should consider before enrolling in an Italian language school is checking the complete offer of the institute. Learning the language – as we have said above – is the very first step to know a new culture, but it is not enough. To know a culture it is fundamental to visit local museums (Rome city is world’s largest outdoor museum), churches and ancient buildings, galleries, theaters and cinemas. Italy, and in particular large cities as Rome, also offers a large choice of cultural events, concerts and shows. So before choosing your school, make sure that it also organizes cultural sessions, evenings in pizzerias, guided visits to museums and cultural exhibitions, but also cooking classes and different kind of excursions.

If you are an expat in Rome, the very first thing you should do is choosing the best class among all the Italian courses for foreigners in Italy.

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