Writing Effective Marketing E-mail

Computers & TechnologyEmail

  • Author Hamoon Arbabi
  • Published August 23, 2006
  • Word count 424

E-mail is quickly becoming a preferred way of marketing products and services. Its low cost and nearly instant delivery mean it is cost-effective for businesses. Plus it is a very personal form of communication that goes directly to decision-makers, bypassing traditional gatekeepers like mailroom workers and secretaries. But an e-mail that doesn’t capture the readers’ attention will be deleted as fast as junk mail is thrown away. How can you be sure that the person it’s written to reads your e-mail? Here are 7 tips that will ensure that your e-mail gets read:

  1. Know your audience. The best way to make sure your e-mail marketing will be successful is to know who you are marketing to. Then tailor your e-mail—including the subject line.

  2. Keep it short and simple. E-mail is best used for quick bits of information. For example, don’t send your customers a complex sales presentation in your email. Instead, use your e-mail to invite them to link to a website that contains a complete sales presentation.

  3. Short subject lines work best. It should grab the attention of the reader. Subject lines are the e-mail's headline. Questions get people thinking and make them more likely to open your e-mail. Customers will decide whether to open your email based on the subject line alone.

  4. Make the body of your e-mail easy to read. Keep it short (10 lines or less is best). Have a well-crafted opening sentence. If you have several pieces of information for the reader, don’t run them together in a long paragraph. Instead, use bullets or dashes to make lists of information.

  5. Double space between paragraphs and items on bulleted lists. This creates white space around the words, which makes your email easier to read, and more visually stimulating.

  6. Include an e-mail signature file at the end of each message. In the signature, include your business information: physical address, phone number, and web site address. Also, if you have a special offer, include a brief sentence about it here in your signature file.

  7. Include a postscript with a call to action. Offer them a free report if they go to your website, or make a special premium available to those who contact you within 3 days. Include a link to your site, or an e-mail address.

Used correctly, e-mail is a fast, cheap way of reaching people who want to buy your products or services. More people use e-mail every day as a primary means of communication. With these techniques, your e-mail will find your target customer more effectively.

Hamoon Arbabi

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Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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